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Birth of Chaos (Wish Quartet, #3)

di Elise Kova

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She vowed to bring about an end to the Society. But it may destroy her first.The Society can't seem to catch a break and Jo has had enough of it. She can destroy anything with her magic. So why not the Society itself?Her pursuit of freedom has Jo questioning everything from what the Society really is, to how it was formed, and what does she really feel for their mysterious leader? With the unexpected help of an android serial killer and the silence of her fellow teammates, she'll get her answers. But Jo is not be prepared for what she learns.As her relationship with Snow deepens from the truth finally being revealed, so too does her worry for the fates of all those she loves. When you're the key to bringing about the end of the world, nowhere is safe.BIRTH OF CHAOS is a full length fantasy/paranormal romance novel that's the third book in the Wish Quartet, a four-book series that establishes the Age of Magic universe. It's perfect for readers who love time travel, twisty slow-burn stories, and steamy (sexy) romance.Books in the Wish Quartet:Society of WishesCircle of AshesBirth of ChaosAge of Magic… (altro)
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She vowed to bring about an end to the Society. But it may destroy her first.The Society can't seem to catch a break and Jo has had enough of it. She can destroy anything with her magic. So why not the Society itself?Her pursuit of freedom has Jo questioning everything from what the Society really is, to how it was formed, and what does she really feel for their mysterious leader? With the unexpected help of an android serial killer and the silence of her fellow teammates, she'll get her answers. But Jo is not be prepared for what she learns.As her relationship with Snow deepens from the truth finally being revealed, so too does her worry for the fates of all those she loves. When you're the key to bringing about the end of the world, nowhere is safe.BIRTH OF CHAOS is a full length fantasy/paranormal romance novel that's the third book in the Wish Quartet, a four-book series that establishes the Age of Magic universe. It's perfect for readers who love time travel, twisty slow-burn stories, and steamy (sexy) romance.Books in the Wish Quartet:Society of WishesCircle of AshesBirth of ChaosAge of Magic

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