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Infamy and Beyond: Servicemen from Walla Walla County, WA Who Died in WWII

di Neil Jacobson

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Approximately 3,800 men and women from Walla Walla County, Washington served during WWII. Ninety-three of them did not survive. These soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and a Seabee perished in air, land, and sea battles; plane crashes; and accidents in all 4 theaters of operation. Six died as POWs at the hands of the Japanese. Thirteen became fatalities while still stationed here in the states. Most of those who were lost, lie at rest in cemeteries across the country, several in overseas American cemeteries, and some are only listed on Tablets of the Missing at various cemeteries. The book is an extension of the project to build a monument in honor of all who served. Although we never met any of the 93 servicemen, they are still our comrades in arms. As veterans from families including many other veterans, we felt compelled to tell their stories. We gathered biographical information and merged that with a description of the battle or event in which each man was lost. Several families also provided information that could not have been found anywhere else. Their lives were cut short while in service to this great nation, but their selfless heroic deeds will never be forgotten.… (altro)
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Approximately 3,800 men and women from Walla Walla County, Washington served during WWII. Ninety-three of them did not survive. These soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and a Seabee perished in air, land, and sea battles; plane crashes; and accidents in all 4 theaters of operation. Six died as POWs at the hands of the Japanese. Thirteen became fatalities while still stationed here in the states. Most of those who were lost, lie at rest in cemeteries across the country, several in overseas American cemeteries, and some are only listed on Tablets of the Missing at various cemeteries. The book is an extension of the project to build a monument in honor of all who served. Although we never met any of the 93 servicemen, they are still our comrades in arms. As veterans from families including many other veterans, we felt compelled to tell their stories. We gathered biographical information and merged that with a description of the battle or event in which each man was lost. Several families also provided information that could not have been found anywhere else. Their lives were cut short while in service to this great nation, but their selfless heroic deeds will never be forgotten.

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