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The Magnolia Palace: A Novel di Fiona Davis
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The Magnolia Palace: A Novel (originale 2022; edizione 2022)

di Fiona Davis (Autore)

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8793125,487 (3.94)7
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!
Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author of The Lions of Fifth Avenue, returns with a tantalizing novel about the secrets, betrayal, and murder within one of New York City's most impressive Gilded Age mansions.

Eight months since losing her mother in the Spanish flu outbreak of 1919, twenty-one-year-old Lillian Carter's life has completely fallen apart. For the past six years, under the moniker Angelica, Lillian was one of the most sought-after artists' models in New York City, with statues based on her figure gracing landmarks from the Plaza Hotel to the Brooklyn Bridge. But with her mother gone, a grieving Lillian is rudderless and desperatethe work has dried up and a looming scandal has left her entirely without a safe haven. So when she stumbles upon an employment opportunity at the Frick mansiona building that, ironically, bears her own visageLillian jumps at the chance. But the longer she works as a private secretary to the imperious and demanding Helen Frick, the daughter and heiress of industrialist and art patron Henry Clay Frick, the more deeply her life gets intertwined with that of the familypulling her into a tangled web of romantic trysts, stolen jewels, and family drama that runs so deep, the stakes just may be life or death.
Nearly fifty years later, mod English model Veronica Weber has her own chance to make her careerand with it, earn the money she needs to support her family back homewithin the walls of the former Frick residence, now converted into one of New York City's most impressive museums. But when shealong with a charming intern/budding art curator named Joshuais dismissed from the Vogue shoot taking place at the Frick Collection, she chances upon a series of hidden messages in the museum: messages that will lead her and Joshua on a hunt that could not only solve Veronica's financial woes, but could finally reveal the truth behind a decades-old murder in the infamous Frick family.
… (altro)
Titolo:The Magnolia Palace: A Novel
Autori:Fiona Davis (Autore)
Info:Dutton (2022), 349 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura
Etichette:Artists model, statutes, Frick mansion

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The Magnolia Palace di Fiona Davis (2022)

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3.5 ⭐️’s

I enjoy Fiona Davis’ stories. With plenty of facts behind each famous building she chooses to base her books upon, she also creates compelling stories to fill in the spaces. This one was not as exciting for me although still a good listen. The characters were purposefully not likable and it moved a little more slowly through the story than I liked. But it had a nice wrap-up and has a strong basis in history, so I will continue on my way to another one of her books soon! ( )
  snewell2 | Jun 24, 2024 |
The Magnolia Palace in the title refers to the Frick Mansion. Fiona Davis has written a book imagining that two famous women of the early 2oth met and worked together to plan the Frick Art Reference Library. Although the character of Lillian is based on the "supermodel" Audrey Munson, Davis writes that she and Helen Frick probably never crossed paths. Davis writes, "I like to layer a fictional story over the scaffolding of historical facts..." What results, in this case, is a very entertaining mystery that inspires one to find out more! It is like the scavenger hunt within the much of the plot is based on fact?I was also interested in the many pieces of art and sculpture mentioned in the story.
Also, although I visited the Frick years ago, I would like to revisit with a deeper understanding of the family's history.
( )
  Chrissylou62 | Apr 11, 2024 |
My first book by this author. Told in two timelines, 1919 and 1966. In 1919, the Fricks are living at what was to become the Frick Museum. Lillian is a model who posed (under the name Angelica) for several sculptors around NYC and even some statues within the Frick household. After running away from a murder to avoid becoming a suspect, she finds herself being interviewed to be Helen Frick's personal assistant. Through this position, she helps Helen set up a scavenger hunt for Helen's suitor.

In 1966, Veronica is a model doing a photo shoot at the Frisk Museum during which time a blizzard shuts down the city and she finds herself locked in and left behind. She discovers that a research intern is also locked in with her and they stumble upon the scavenger hunt clues and start following them.

This story has murder, mystery and love. It was really nice getting a peak into the Frick household, even if it's fiction but some truth interspersed into the story. Looking forward to reading more books by this author. ( )
  Cathie_Dyer | Feb 29, 2024 |
simple story of lives of two girls. one famous Model from 19th century. she inadvertently becomes a private secretary to daughter of Frick....the second is a model in 1960's who accidentally gets locked inside the Frick Museum with a young black man apprentice. all ties up perfectly. very simplistic ( )
  evatkaplan | Feb 28, 2024 |
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The dual time line kept me immersed in the story! The characters are fabulous! They are full of depth and emotion. I especially enjoyed the artistic aspects of the book! A definite must read! ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
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In memory of Ed Berkeley
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Lillian Carter stood half naked, one arm held up like a ballet dancer, the other hanging lightly down at her side, and calculated how long she could avoid paying rent while her landlord was in jail.
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!
Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author of The Lions of Fifth Avenue, returns with a tantalizing novel about the secrets, betrayal, and murder within one of New York City's most impressive Gilded Age mansions.

Eight months since losing her mother in the Spanish flu outbreak of 1919, twenty-one-year-old Lillian Carter's life has completely fallen apart. For the past six years, under the moniker Angelica, Lillian was one of the most sought-after artists' models in New York City, with statues based on her figure gracing landmarks from the Plaza Hotel to the Brooklyn Bridge. But with her mother gone, a grieving Lillian is rudderless and desperatethe work has dried up and a looming scandal has left her entirely without a safe haven. So when she stumbles upon an employment opportunity at the Frick mansiona building that, ironically, bears her own visageLillian jumps at the chance. But the longer she works as a private secretary to the imperious and demanding Helen Frick, the daughter and heiress of industrialist and art patron Henry Clay Frick, the more deeply her life gets intertwined with that of the familypulling her into a tangled web of romantic trysts, stolen jewels, and family drama that runs so deep, the stakes just may be life or death.
Nearly fifty years later, mod English model Veronica Weber has her own chance to make her careerand with it, earn the money she needs to support her family back homewithin the walls of the former Frick residence, now converted into one of New York City's most impressive museums. But when shealong with a charming intern/budding art curator named Joshuais dismissed from the Vogue shoot taking place at the Frick Collection, she chances upon a series of hidden messages in the museum: messages that will lead her and Joshua on a hunt that could not only solve Veronica's financial woes, but could finally reveal the truth behind a decades-old murder in the infamous Frick family.

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