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Moon Claimed: Supernatural Battle (Werewolf…
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Moon Claimed: Supernatural Battle (Werewolf Dens Book 2) (edizione 2020)

di Kelly St. Clare (Autore), Hot Tree Editing (A cura di)

Serie: Werewolf Dens (2)

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The pack of lies continues. My mother isn't my mother. A werewolf wants me for his one-and-only baby mama Oh! And I'm the new leader of a tribe I joined weeks ago. Messed up doesn't begin to explain it. I'm more desperate than ever to uncover an explanation for Mum's mounting betrayals. Because this time, I'm not sure forgiveness is possible. But the mating meets with Sascha must continue if I want to escape our bond for good. An entire tribe is relying on me to win a centuries-old game against freakin' shifters. And at this point, well... I have a few secrets of my own. Keeping them is the new game. Would you confess the truth and risk forfeiting the one person you have left? If you can't get enough of books by Shannon Mayer, Jaymin Eve, and Laura Thalassa, or just anything paranormal romance, then enter this supernatural game and prepare to win everything... or lose it all. This book contains sexual scenes, language, and violence.… (altro)
Titolo:Moon Claimed: Supernatural Battle (Werewolf Dens Book 2)
Autori:Kelly St. Clare (Autore)
Altri autori:Hot Tree Editing (A cura di)
Info:Palimpsest Publishing (2020), 364 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, ebooks to read

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Moon Claimed di Kelly St. Clare

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Well I'm still reading. I have finished this book. And I'm actually halfway through the next book, the last book. I'm glad that they finally acknowledge the fact that Sasha was just trying to defend himself and his mate. However I'm still not loving all aspects of the book. I will admit to laughing a lot though. Also can somebody please please shoot Rhona? ( )
  Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Be warned...this series is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE!!! Also if you've not yet read book one then I strongly recommend doing so to understand character relationships and backstory!!!

My goodness this book had my heart racing at so many points!!!! Filled to the brim with mystery, deception, betrayal, romance, and oh so much more!!! Andie is starting to come into her own. This strong, just, kind hearted woman has already been through so many trials and tribulations... and they just keep coming. Will she rise like a phoenix from these flames? Dive in and see for yourself!! Just be sure not to read this during lunch break or you may be late getting back to your desk ( )
  txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
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The pack of lies continues. My mother isn't my mother. A werewolf wants me for his one-and-only baby mama Oh! And I'm the new leader of a tribe I joined weeks ago. Messed up doesn't begin to explain it. I'm more desperate than ever to uncover an explanation for Mum's mounting betrayals. Because this time, I'm not sure forgiveness is possible. But the mating meets with Sascha must continue if I want to escape our bond for good. An entire tribe is relying on me to win a centuries-old game against freakin' shifters. And at this point, well... I have a few secrets of my own. Keeping them is the new game. Would you confess the truth and risk forfeiting the one person you have left? If you can't get enough of books by Shannon Mayer, Jaymin Eve, and Laura Thalassa, or just anything paranormal romance, then enter this supernatural game and prepare to win everything... or lose it all. This book contains sexual scenes, language, and violence.

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