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The Best of Saki di Tom Sharpe
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The Best of Saki (edizione 2003)

di Tom Sharpe

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'They dazzle and delight' Graham GreeneNo writer has combined laughter with savagery more devastatingly than Saki. Though he died nearly ninety years ago, the blackness of his comedy is contemporary and his wit has lost none of its freshness and sparkle. At Edwardian tea tables, his elegant characters defend themselves against a malignant Nature waiting to kill and maim. As Tom Sharpe says, 'Step out through the French windows and you are in the realms of Pan . . .' This selection of the best of Saki's stories gives a new generation the opportunity to be dazzlingly entertained - and to discover a rare and original contribution to English literature. 'Start a Saki story and you will finish it. Finish one and you will start another, and having finished them all you will never forget them. They remain an addiction because they are much more than funny' Tom Sharpe… (altro)
Titolo:The Best of Saki
Autori:Tom Sharpe
Info:Not Avail, Paperback, 256 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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The Best of Saki di Saki

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If you’ve never read any of his stories, you are in for a real treat. Humour black as pitch, with twists in the tail that make Roald Dahl look like an amateur ( )
  kate_author | Jun 2, 2018 |
Apart from a few masterpieces like The Open Window these are mere short anecdotes from upper class life. Amusing but not really memorable. ( )
  stef7sa | Jan 5, 2017 |
I first read a book of Saki's stories when I was in primary school, and I found "Gabriel Ernest" rather frightening, even though nothing much actually happened 'on-screen'. "The Music on the Hill" has that same sense of unease, but luckily I didn't read it until I was older or it might have put me off the countryside altogether!

I love his descriptions of people; my favourite is "Bertie von Tahn, who was so depraved at seventeen that he had long ago given up trying to be any worse" (from Tobermory). ( )
  isabelx | Feb 24, 2011 |
How to describe the stories of H.H. Munro? An unholy union of PG Wodehouse and David Lynch–? No, that doesn't really come close. Bloodthirsty ferret-gods, werewolves in the drawing-room, and a wickedly satirical eye for the mores of polite society: there has been nothing like these stories, anywhere, ever. See for yourself. ( )
  othersam | Jan 5, 2007 |
Ah...Saki...whenever I need a dose of irony or animal protagonists in small doses I turn to Saki. The Storyteller is a must read for anyone who writes (or tells) children's stories. ( )
  roach | Jan 1, 2007 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (25 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Sakiautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
A. N. WilsonIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Fereday, RogerIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Sharpe, TomIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Wilson, A.N.Introduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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The forty-nine stories included in the Picador/Pan and Folio Society editions differ from those editions of the same name published by Penguin and others.

The Picador edition includes an introduction by Tom Sharpe. The Folio edition includes an introduction by A. N. Wilson, and is illustrated by Roger Fereday.
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'They dazzle and delight' Graham GreeneNo writer has combined laughter with savagery more devastatingly than Saki. Though he died nearly ninety years ago, the blackness of his comedy is contemporary and his wit has lost none of its freshness and sparkle. At Edwardian tea tables, his elegant characters defend themselves against a malignant Nature waiting to kill and maim. As Tom Sharpe says, 'Step out through the French windows and you are in the realms of Pan . . .' This selection of the best of Saki's stories gives a new generation the opportunity to be dazzlingly entertained - and to discover a rare and original contribution to English literature. 'Start a Saki story and you will finish it. Finish one and you will start another, and having finished them all you will never forget them. They remain an addiction because they are much more than funny' Tom Sharpe

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