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Blaze (Homecoming Hearts #5)

di HJ Welch

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314,220,023 (4.5)Nessuno
International pop sensation Reyse Hickson has it all. Or so it seems. Thanks to his homophobic label, he never expects to find love. But when he's saved from a mugging by a gorgeous stranger, the chemistry between them is undeniable. Reyse can't help but fall into his savior's arms...and his bed. Corey Sheppard is nobody's hero. He got himself out of the foster system and stands on his own two feet. He could never be anyone's closeted lover. But there's so much more to Reyse Hickson than the world sees. Corey just can't stay away. When Reyse's dad suffers a stroke, Reyse insists on going home. In desperate need of a friend, he asks Corey to join him. A short time together is better than none. With Reyse's lifestyle, they know it's the best they can manage. But for the first time in his life, Corey finds a family with Reyse. And Reyse doesn't think he can hide how feels for Corey, even though his label threatens to drop him if he ever comes out. Can Reyse and Corey walk away from the best thing that's ever happened to either of them? Or is this love worth going down in a blaze of glory? Blaze is a steamy, standalone gay romance novel with a guaranteed HEA and absolutely no cliffhanger.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daShazOV, Stephan24
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International pop sensation Reyse Hickson has it all. Or so it seems. Thanks to his homophobic label, he never expects to find love. But when he's saved from a mugging by a gorgeous stranger, the chemistry between them is undeniable. Reyse can't help but fall into his savior's arms...and his bed. Corey Sheppard is nobody's hero. He got himself out of the foster system and stands on his own two feet. He could never be anyone's closeted lover. But there's so much more to Reyse Hickson than the world sees. Corey just can't stay away. When Reyse's dad suffers a stroke, Reyse insists on going home. In desperate need of a friend, he asks Corey to join him. A short time together is better than none. With Reyse's lifestyle, they know it's the best they can manage. But for the first time in his life, Corey finds a family with Reyse. And Reyse doesn't think he can hide how feels for Corey, even though his label threatens to drop him if he ever comes out. Can Reyse and Corey walk away from the best thing that's ever happened to either of them? Or is this love worth going down in a blaze of glory? Blaze is a steamy, standalone gay romance novel with a guaranteed HEA and absolutely no cliffhanger.

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