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The Bone Field (Dark Paradise Mystery #2) di…
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The Bone Field (Dark Paradise Mystery #2) (edizione 2021)

di Debra Bokur

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1931,162,656 (4.5)9
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:A series of strange cold-case ritual murders leads Maui detective Kali M?hoe on a trail of legendary vengeful spirits and more human monsters in paradise.

Kali M?hoe, Hawaiian cultural expert and detective with the Maui Police Department, has been called to a bizarre crime scene. In the recesses of a deep trench on Lana'i Island, a derelict refrigerator has been unearthed. Entombed inside are the skeletal remains of someone buried decades ago. Identification is a challenge. The body is headless, the skull replaced with a chilling adornment: a large, ornately carved wooden pineapple.

The old field soon yields more long-buried secrets, and Kali is led along an increasingly winding path that brings to light an unlikely suspect, an illegal cock-fighting organization, and a strange symbol connected to a long-disbanded religious cult. Her task is to dispel the dark shadows lingering over the Palawai Basin plains, and to solve a puzzle that no one wants exposed by the bright, hot tropical light.

To discover the answer, Kali will be drawn deeper in the mysteries of the island's ancient legends—stories that tell of an enraged rooster god and man-eating monsters. For Kali, a detective of sound logic and reason, it's not easy to consider the unknown for explanations for what appears to be a series of illogical links in a twisting chain of deadly events. Or safe. Because the dormant pineapple fields of Lana'i have yet to give up their darkest and most terrifying secrets.
… (altro)
Titolo:The Bone Field (Dark Paradise Mystery #2)
Autori:Debra Bokur
Info:Kensington Books, Kindle Edition, 303 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Bone Field (A Dark Paradise Mystery Book 2) di Debra Bokur

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Kali is a young Hawaiian police officer who teams up with her uncle Walter for another very strange case along with what they thought would be merely pedestrian police work. Soon they find that their puzzling investigation involves a very strange cult. Some tourists have discovered a refrigerator containing a headless skeleton with the head having been replaced with a carved pineapple. Strange hardly covers this case. When more bodies are uncovered, they have to work even harder to figure out how they are all connected, who the killer could be and how this weird cult fits into it all. Although I found the head being replaced with the carved pineapple a bit over the top, I found it to be a fun read with equally as many red herrings as real clues to keep you guessing. ( )
  Carol420 | May 5, 2022 |
A very good mystery, set in Hawaii. The plot is believable, the main characters relatable and well fleshed out. I enjoyed the setting, the short forays into the history of Hawaii, and the action.
I understand that this is the second book in the series. I wish I would have read the first one prior to this one, but it doesn't really affect the reading much. I will be going back to read the first book, and look forward to reading more in the series.
And although the book stands well based on the plot and characters, how could you possibly go wrong in setting it in the paradise of Hawaii. I just cannot wait until we can travel there again! ( )
  1Randal | Jun 2, 2021 |
religious-cultism, Hawai'i, law-enforcement, procedural, murder, murder-investigation, cultural-heritage, cultural-exploration, suspense, family-dynamics, friendship******

This is not an unbiased review because I enjoyed the first one so much and eagerly awaited this one.
You don't need to read the other book first, but you'll probably want to read it afterward.
Amazing! Degreed cultural anthropologist/spiritual leader of her people/police detective Kali Mahoe and her team work the case of a skeleton buried on a former pineapple plantation and come up with more of the same and some other really disturbing things. The publisher's blurb is a really good hook, so no need to repeat it. I loved the imagery of the island lore as well as the personalities of the characters. Sometimes I'd get lost in the lore and have to go back to catch a thread of the investigation, but then I'm a history geek. The due diligence is frustrating and there are problems at home for Kali which all add up to some exceptionally realistic characters.
I requested and received a free temporary ebook copy from Kensington Books via NetGalley. Thank you!
Because of the ethnic nature of the story I would like to get the audio rather than fuddle with correct pronunciations. ( )
  jetangen4571 | Feb 26, 2021 |
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:A series of strange cold-case ritual murders leads Maui detective Kali M?hoe on a trail of legendary vengeful spirits and more human monsters in paradise.

Kali M?hoe, Hawaiian cultural expert and detective with the Maui Police Department, has been called to a bizarre crime scene. In the recesses of a deep trench on Lana'i Island, a derelict refrigerator has been unearthed. Entombed inside are the skeletal remains of someone buried decades ago. Identification is a challenge. The body is headless, the skull replaced with a chilling adornment: a large, ornately carved wooden pineapple.

The old field soon yields more long-buried secrets, and Kali is led along an increasingly winding path that brings to light an unlikely suspect, an illegal cock-fighting organization, and a strange symbol connected to a long-disbanded religious cult. Her task is to dispel the dark shadows lingering over the Palawai Basin plains, and to solve a puzzle that no one wants exposed by the bright, hot tropical light.

To discover the answer, Kali will be drawn deeper in the mysteries of the island's ancient legends—stories that tell of an enraged rooster god and man-eating monsters. For Kali, a detective of sound logic and reason, it's not easy to consider the unknown for explanations for what appears to be a series of illogical links in a twisting chain of deadly events. Or safe. Because the dormant pineapple fields of Lana'i have yet to give up their darkest and most terrifying secrets.

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