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Redbone Redbone: Malice and Murder Inside Atlanta's Black Elite Malice and Murder Inside Atlanta's Black Elite

di Ron Stodghill

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In April of 1996, amid the melodies of a jazz orchestra, Lance Herndon stood beneath a magnificent Baccarat crystal chandelier and greeted his guests, among them the mayor and the district attorney of Atlanta. He was celebrating his forty-first birthday with the crème de la crème of Atlanta's Black elite. Four months later, he'd be dead--viciously bludgeoned in his sleep. Lance Herndon was a poor boy made good: he launched a computer consulting company that made him a millionaire; he was awarded a National Service Award at the White House for his philanthrophy. He was also a ladies' man with a sex addiction and three failed marriages behind him. He had a penchant for expensive cars and 'redbones'--lightskinned black women. At the time of his death, Herndon had at least three women in his life; each would become a prime suspect in his murder. Exhaustively researched by an award-winning journalist Ron Stodghill, Redbone uncovers the labyrinthine life and lusts of millionaire entrepreneur Lance Herndon, the facts of his mysterious death, and the search for his killer. But beyond the fact gathering and stellar reportage, Redbone is a literary chronicle of Atlanta as the 'black mecca'; a fast-paced story of an elaborate forensics investigation ; and a courtroom drama with some unexpected revelations. Stodghill's fluid narrative weaves a colorful tapestry in which fascinating characters, intrigue, and plot twists create a portrait of an elite social circle within Atlanta's black bourgeoisie.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dasslyham

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In April of 1996, amid the melodies of a jazz orchestra, Lance Herndon stood beneath a magnificent Baccarat crystal chandelier and greeted his guests, among them the mayor and the district attorney of Atlanta. He was celebrating his forty-first birthday with the crème de la crème of Atlanta's Black elite. Four months later, he'd be dead--viciously bludgeoned in his sleep. Lance Herndon was a poor boy made good: he launched a computer consulting company that made him a millionaire; he was awarded a National Service Award at the White House for his philanthrophy. He was also a ladies' man with a sex addiction and three failed marriages behind him. He had a penchant for expensive cars and 'redbones'--lightskinned black women. At the time of his death, Herndon had at least three women in his life; each would become a prime suspect in his murder. Exhaustively researched by an award-winning journalist Ron Stodghill, Redbone uncovers the labyrinthine life and lusts of millionaire entrepreneur Lance Herndon, the facts of his mysterious death, and the search for his killer. But beyond the fact gathering and stellar reportage, Redbone is a literary chronicle of Atlanta as the 'black mecca'; a fast-paced story of an elaborate forensics investigation ; and a courtroom drama with some unexpected revelations. Stodghill's fluid narrative weaves a colorful tapestry in which fascinating characters, intrigue, and plot twists create a portrait of an elite social circle within Atlanta's black bourgeoisie.

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