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The Wickeds: Faraway collection di Gayle…
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The Wickeds: Faraway collection (edizione 2020)

di Gayle Forman (Autore), Frankie Corzo (Narratore), Amazon Original Stories (Publisher)

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Titolo:The Wickeds: Faraway collection
Autori:Gayle Forman (Autore)
Altri autori:Frankie Corzo (Narratore), Amazon Original Stories (Publisher)
Info:Amazon Original Stories (2020)
Etichette:Audiobook, Fairy Tales & Folk Lore, Fantasy, Fiction, Faraway Collection, Short Story, Retelling

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The Wickeds di Gayle Forman

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In a Nutshell: Short story. Interesting concept. Above average writing. Started well. Ended a bit flat. Loved the idea though.

All of us know the three villainesses of the fairy tale world: the evil queen from Snow White, the wicked witch from Rapunzel, and the devious stepmother from Cinderella. However, do we know why they behaved the way they did? What happens when these three “wickeds” meet up and decide that they want vengeance for the way their names have been sullied? Don’t they deserve a happily-ever-after?

The concept of the book is fabulous. While it fits into the modern trend of retelling a story from the antagonist’s point of view, thus modifying our opinion about them through their version of events, the reasons provided for each woman’s behaviour covers quite relevant themes. As the three characters are given names in this story-- Elsinora, Gwendolyn, and Marguerite, it takes a while to remember who is who, but going with the flow works fine.

The ending comes as a surprise. In a way, it takes life a full circle and the three vamps realise that revenge might not be the solution to their woes.

While the story is quick and easy-going, the writing/editing brings it down. The narrative perspective didn’t make sense. There’s a mysterious “we” who are narrating the story to us, but after their identity is revealed at the end, the earlier narration doesn’t make sense, as they wouldn’t have known of many of the events that occurred earlier. Moreover, after the identity reveal, the “we” also refer to themselves by their names, thus mixing up the first person and third person. There are a couple of continuity errors as well. A round of edits would have improved the impact of the story.

Overall, a decent story that provides a somewhat-feminist retelling from the pov of three despised women from the fairy tale world. A good enough read, not a must-read.

3.25 stars.

This story is a part of the Faraway Collection and is available to Amazon Prime members.

(I don’t plan on reading the rest of this collection. I read this story only because my daughter badgered me to. She wanted to vent about the ending. Sheesh! For what it’s worth, she rated it 4 stars.)

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  RoshReviews | Jul 26, 2024 |
Winter 2021 (January);

My absolute favorite of this entire collection. This was insanely gorgeous from beginning to end. It's told from the pov of "The Wicked Witches" after the storybook tales have ended, and the princes have run off, and at least a decade and a half or two have passed. The Wicked's have become friends of a sort and discussing how things happened, why, and what might or might not be true in those tales.

Even when I had settled deeply into that with a love for some of the burgeoning friendship moments, to feminist flips on the King's of these earlier tales as well, I was unprepared and unpredicted and absolutely swallowed whole with delight about what happens to the story when The Wicked's decide to confront their daughters. It's. So. Perfect.

Short, sweet, going to stick with me in retellings forever.

( )
  wanderlustlover | Dec 26, 2022 |
Not a review, just read this one out of order. ( )
  CarinMB | Oct 19, 2022 |
There's always another side to the story. This blended retelling puts a wonderfully different spin on some familiar fairy tales. An enjoyable quick read. ( )
  AngelaJMaher | Dec 24, 2021 |
This is a fun fairy tale retelling that follows Cinderella's, Snow White's, and Rapunzel's step-mothers as they try to navigate life after the fairy tale has ended. The ending was great, and I enjoyed the section with the Fairy Godmother too. There's not a lot I can say about this story without spoilers, but it's short and fun and well worth the read. ( )
  ca.bookwyrm | Mar 2, 2021 |
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"You specimen of beauty," said the wicked woman, "now you are finished." And she walked away.
—"Little Snow-White," the Brothers Grimm, translated by D. L. Ashliman
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Once upon a time, there lived three wicked women.
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