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Their Dark Reflections

di Amanda Meuwissen

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Personal assistant Sam Coleman can do it all: housekeeping, groundskeeping, bookkeeping. The catch? It's a con. Ed Simon, his newest millionaire boss, doesn't know Sam Goldman is a Robin Hood for hire who targets rich jerks. Sure, Sam keeps the money for himself, his crew, and his real employers, but at least they only steal from bad people. Until sweet, fumbling Ed, who doesn't seem to have a single vice. Too bad the people who hired Sam won't let him back out. They want Ed's money, and they'll hurt Sam and his friends to get it. For years Ed has kept people at arm's length, but Sam's charms wear down his defenses--just as he learns their budding relationship was an act. Sam isn't who Ed thought he was, but Ed has a dark secret too: he's a vampire. And someone is framing him for a series of bloody murders. When the real villains force their hand, Sam and Ed must choose: work together, trust each other, and give in to the feelings growing between them... or let what might have been bleed out like the victims piling at their feet.… (altro)
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Personal assistant Sam Coleman can do it all: housekeeping, groundskeeping, bookkeeping. The catch? It's a con. Ed Simon, his newest millionaire boss, doesn't know Sam Goldman is a Robin Hood for hire who targets rich jerks. Sure, Sam keeps the money for himself, his crew, and his real employers, but at least they only steal from bad people. Until sweet, fumbling Ed, who doesn't seem to have a single vice. Too bad the people who hired Sam won't let him back out. They want Ed's money, and they'll hurt Sam and his friends to get it. For years Ed has kept people at arm's length, but Sam's charms wear down his defenses--just as he learns their budding relationship was an act. Sam isn't who Ed thought he was, but Ed has a dark secret too: he's a vampire. And someone is framing him for a series of bloody murders. When the real villains force their hand, Sam and Ed must choose: work together, trust each other, and give in to the feelings growing between them... or let what might have been bleed out like the victims piling at their feet.

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