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Flamefall (THE AURELIAN CYCLE Book 2) di…
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Flamefall (THE AURELIAN CYCLE Book 2) (edizione 2021)

di Rosaria Munda (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2172129,180 (4.22)6
Fantasy. Science Fiction & Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Revolutionary flames ignite around Annie, Lee, and a brand new character in the follow-up to Fireborne.
After fleeing the revolution and settling into the craggy cliffs of New Pythos, the dragonlords are eager to punish their usurpers and reclaim their city. Their first order of business was destroying the Callipolan food supply. Now they're coming for the dragonriders.
Annie is Callipolis's new Firstrider, charged with leading the war against New Pythos. But with unrest at home, enforcing the government's rationing program risks turning her into public enemy number one.
Lee struggles to find his place after killing kin for a leader who betrayed him. He can support Annie and the other Guardians . . . or join the rebels who look to topple the new regime.
Griff, a lowborn dragonrider who serves New Pythos, knows he has no future. And now that Julia Stormscourge is no longer there to protect him, he is called on to sacrifice everything for the lords that oppress his peopleâ??or to forge a new path with the Callipolan Firstrider seeking his help.
With famine tearing Callipolis apart and the Pythians determined to take back what they lost, it will be up to Annie, Lee, and Griff to decide whoâ??and whatâ??to f
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Titolo:Flamefall (THE AURELIAN CYCLE Book 2)
Autori:Rosaria Munda (Autore)
Info:G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers (2021), 495 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Flamefall di Rosaria Munda

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A dandy middle book, one with action, intrigue and many spots where you must ponder who is good, who isn't and which faction(s) should you be rooting for. I'll order the third book the moment it's released. ( )
  sennebec | Jan 11, 2022 |
Another absorbing installment of the Aurelian Cycle by Rosaria Munda. I really enjoy the exploration of power, inequality, freedom of press, manipulation, propaganda, armed forces acting against civilians, and revolutionary ideals. The relationship between the main characters, Annie and Lee, can flash hot and cold with too much regularity. You begin to anticipate that any positive encounter will immediately be followed by a parting of ways. Munda did a much better job of incorporating dragons into this book. You got to know Aela and Pallor's personalities and to feel their connections to their riders. I do find the dynamic between the adults and teenagers odd. Why is it that there is an adult general, but a teenager acting as commander of the dragon fleet? Also, the adults seem completely clueless at times (like their inability to ascertain the identity of Southside's daughter). I greatly appreciated the introduction of an LGBTQ storyline. I appreciate that grief is recurring; characters don't get over trauma right away. I also like that the characters and the overall political situation isn't clearcut. Everyone thinks they are acting in the right if looked at from their frame of reference. I'm looking forward to the next book. I would recommend this to any teenager interested in revolutions or dragons. ( )
  Michelle_abelha | Dec 12, 2021 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Rosaria Mundaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Coulson, ChristianNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Kelly, AidanNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Moll, CandiceNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Fantasy. Science Fiction & Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Revolutionary flames ignite around Annie, Lee, and a brand new character in the follow-up to Fireborne.
After fleeing the revolution and settling into the craggy cliffs of New Pythos, the dragonlords are eager to punish their usurpers and reclaim their city. Their first order of business was destroying the Callipolan food supply. Now they're coming for the dragonriders.
Annie is Callipolis's new Firstrider, charged with leading the war against New Pythos. But with unrest at home, enforcing the government's rationing program risks turning her into public enemy number one.
Lee struggles to find his place after killing kin for a leader who betrayed him. He can support Annie and the other Guardians . . . or join the rebels who look to topple the new regime.
Griff, a lowborn dragonrider who serves New Pythos, knows he has no future. And now that Julia Stormscourge is no longer there to protect him, he is called on to sacrifice everything for the lords that oppress his peopleâ??or to forge a new path with the Callipolan Firstrider seeking his help.
With famine tearing Callipolis apart and the Pythians determined to take back what they lost, it will be up to Annie, Lee, and Griff to decide whoâ??and whatâ??to f

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