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The Venice Sketchbook: A Novel di Rhys Bowen
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The Venice Sketchbook: A Novel (edizione 2021)

di Rhys Bowen (Autore)

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3552675,472 (3.89)20
"Caroline Grant is struggling to accept the end of her marriage when she receives an unexpected bequest. Her beloved great-aunt Lettie leaves her a sketchbook, three keys, and a final whisper ... Venice. Caroline's quest: to scatter Juliet "Lettie" Browning's ashes in the city she loved and to unlock the mysteries stored away for more than sixty years. It's 1938 when art teacher Juliet Browning arrives in romantic Venice. For her students, it's a wealth of history, art, and beauty. For Juliet, it's poignant memories and a chance to reconnect with Leonardo Da Rossi, the man she loves whose future is already determined by his noble family. However star-crossed, nothing can come between them. Until the threat of war closes in on Venice and they're forced to fight, survive, and protect a secret that will bind them forever. Key by key, Lettie's life of impossible love, loss, and courage unfolds. It's one that Caroline can now make right again as her own journey of self-discovery begins."--Publisher.… (altro)
Titolo:The Venice Sketchbook: A Novel
Autori:Rhys Bowen (Autore)
Info:Lake Union Publishing (2021), 411 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura
Etichette:Art teacher, WWII, sketches, unmarried pregnancy

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The Venice Sketchbook di Rhys Bowen

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» Vedi le 20 citazioni

This is a fair story poorly written. The dialogue is never realistic, and the voice of the young British woman of the late 1920s sounds suspiciously like modern American. This bothered me all the way through and made an unbelievable story even more so. Lots of little things don't add up, and overall, it reminded me other similar books by other authors who set their stories in Italy or France. I don't know about you, but I will read the occasional mediocre novel if it is set in Italy or Fance. A lost Paris apartment; a lost Venetian apartment; a lost wine cellar... I guess these all rate as easy, summer reads. Juliet's stupidity only grows with time, and what is presented as love seemed to me selfishness. And a word to anyone betrayed in time of war. Don't not tell another concerned party so as not to hurt their feelings. Unless made public, that person who betrayed you will go on to betray others. ( )
  dvoratreis | May 22, 2024 |
really not my cup of tea. I usually read the edgar best mtstery nominees which is why i was reading this one. I generaaly like historical mysteries and particularly world war two ones, but this one irritatated me. (SPOILER***) I guess the guy who is supposed to be the "romantic lead" just did not appeal to me. First he's an adult convincing a teenager to sneak out with him, later she has sex for the first time and he abandons her for a month. He claims he doesnt love his wife but for financial/social reasons needs to stay with her..... just really turned me off ( )
  cspiwak | Mar 6, 2024 |
An easy read, typical Rhys Bowen, maintains the interest and keeps the pages turning. I have read all of Rhys Bowen's novels and enjoyed them all. ( )
  Craftybilda | Jan 23, 2024 |
Delightful story with twists and turns. I learned about Venice and enjoyed the telling of the story through the past and the present. Very well written! ( )
  LuLibro | Jan 22, 2024 |
Very Romantic story

I lived the story and how it tied to the war. I am sure it will touch you like it touched me. Beautiful story ( )
  Spiritrider1101 | Jan 18, 2024 |
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Kreinik, BarrieNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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This book is dedicated to my dear friend and choir director extraordinaire, Ann Weiss. Singing with her choir has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. Not only does Ann have the voice of an angel, she also has a love affair with Venice I hope she'll enjoy revisiting vicariously with this novel.
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"I have an ulterior motive for visiting you, apart from saying goodbye."
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"Caroline Grant is struggling to accept the end of her marriage when she receives an unexpected bequest. Her beloved great-aunt Lettie leaves her a sketchbook, three keys, and a final whisper ... Venice. Caroline's quest: to scatter Juliet "Lettie" Browning's ashes in the city she loved and to unlock the mysteries stored away for more than sixty years. It's 1938 when art teacher Juliet Browning arrives in romantic Venice. For her students, it's a wealth of history, art, and beauty. For Juliet, it's poignant memories and a chance to reconnect with Leonardo Da Rossi, the man she loves whose future is already determined by his noble family. However star-crossed, nothing can come between them. Until the threat of war closes in on Venice and they're forced to fight, survive, and protect a secret that will bind them forever. Key by key, Lettie's life of impossible love, loss, and courage unfolds. It's one that Caroline can now make right again as her own journey of self-discovery begins."--Publisher.

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