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The Rose Code: A Novel di Kate Quinn
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The Rose Code: A Novel (edizione 2021)

di Kate Quinn (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,1671087,668 (4.3)117
Fiction. Literature. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

"The hidden history of Bletchley Park has been waiting for a master storyteller like Kate Quinn to bring it to life. THE ROSE CODE effortlessly evokes the frantic, nervy, exuberant world of the Enigma codebreakers through the eyes of three extraordinary women who work in tireless secrecy to defeat the Nazis. Quinn's meticulous research and impeccable characterization shine through this gripping and beautifully executed novel."

Beatriz Williams, New York Times bestselling author of HER LAST FLIGHT

The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Huntress and The Alice Network returns with another heart-stopping World War II story of three female code breakers at Bletchley Park and the spy they must root out after the war is over.

1940. As England prepares to fight the Nazis, three very different women answer the call to mysterious country estate Bletchley Park, where the best minds in Britain train to break German military codes. Vivacious debutante Osla is the girl who has everything—beauty, wealth, and the dashing Prince Philip of Greece sending her roses—but she burns to prove herself as more than a society girl, and puts her fluent German to use as a translator of decoded enemy secrets. Imperious self-made Mab, product of east-end London poverty, works the legendary codebreaking machines as she conceals old wounds and looks for a socially advantageous husband. Both Osla and Mab are quick to see the potential in local village spinster Beth, whose shyness conceals a brilliant facility with puzzles, and soon Beth spreads her wings as one of the Park's few female cryptanalysts. But war, loss, and the impossible pressure of secrecy will tear the three apart.

1947. As the royal wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip whips post-war Britain into a fever, three friends-turned-enemies are reunited by a mysterious encrypted letter—the key to which lies buried in the long-ago betrayal that destroyed their friendship and left one of them confined to an asylum. A mysterious traitor has emerged from the shadows of their Bletchley Park past, and now Osla, Mab, and Beth must resurrect their old alliance and crack one last code together. But each petal they remove from the rose code brings danger—and their true enemy—closer...

… (altro)
Titolo:The Rose Code: A Novel
Autori:Kate Quinn (Autore)
Info:William Morrow Paperbacks (2021), 656 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Rose Code di Kate Quinn

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» Vedi le 117 citazioni

Bletchley Park, intelligence, decoding enemy messages. Oslo Kindall, Mab, Sarah. ( )
  PaulaStrebig | Sep 1, 2024 |
I felt the pacing was lacking in parts, but overall very good. This is historical fiction, but largely based on truth, some real people, some not. I found the story really intriguing, the social politics and the secrets, and how to deal with secrets that some need to know, and others who aren't allowed, but maybe should know. ( )
  Pepperwings | Aug 26, 2024 |
Kate Quinn's "The Rose Code" is set in England during the Second World War. Osla Kendall, the daughter of a wealthy and self-absorbed woman, is furious that people dismiss her as an empty-headed debutante. The timid and insecure Beth Finch is unlucky enough to have a fanatically religious and abusive mother. Mab Churt rounds out the trio; she longs to find a decent husband and provide a good life for her young sister, Lucy. Osla, Beth, and Mab join Bletchley Park's staff, where brilliant people team up to decrypt enemy codes. The ladies become close friends who support one another through tough times. Unfortunately, a series of tragic events lead to a painful falling-out that leaves them angry and embittered.

The author piques our curiosity and holds our interest as she moves back and forth between the war years and 1947. The novel engages us with its lively humor, heated confrontations, and scenes of devastating heartbreak. Not only will fans of historical fiction be impressed by the codebreakers' exploits, but they will also enjoy the camaraderie between the valiant men and women who contributed so much to the war effort, but were forbidden to speak about their work to outsiders.

"The Rose Code" has its share of clichés and coincidences, and the conclusion is a bit bit too tidy. However, it is hard to resist a story that features brainy and courageous heroines, torrid liaisons, and a frantic search for an elusive traitor. Quinn entertains us with colorful period dialogue, appearances by such real-life figures as Winston Churchill and Prince Philip, and an intense, nail-biting finale. ( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
I don't often leave books unfinished - this is only the second since 2016. After 8 days of effort I've only got 55 pages into [b:The Rose Code|53914938|The Rose Code|Kate Quinn||75123985] and simply cannot face the remaining 500 pages. I found myself putting off reading it, then devoured two other novels as soon as I allowed myself to start something else. The problem is that the 1947 royal wedding appears central to the plot and I cannot make myself care about it (or indeed any royal wedding). Moreover, the concept of Prince Phillip as a flirtatious and dashing romantic hero horrifies me. There are also a few annoying Americanisms, but that's a minor quibble. It seems I am too averse to the monarchy for this book. I hoped it would be about code breaking in Bletchley Park, however the first four chapters subordinate this to some threat to the royal wedding. While this book is clearly not for me, it might well turn into an interesting thriller if you can stomach royal nuptials.
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
This book was recommended by a friend, and she was right. I loved it! I hadn't known about the code breakers, and it was riveting. ( )
  SusanVTwriter | Jul 24, 2024 |
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To the veterans of Bletchley Park -- you changed the world
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The enigma arrived in the afternoon post, sealed, smudged, and devastating.
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Fiction. Literature. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

"The hidden history of Bletchley Park has been waiting for a master storyteller like Kate Quinn to bring it to life. THE ROSE CODE effortlessly evokes the frantic, nervy, exuberant world of the Enigma codebreakers through the eyes of three extraordinary women who work in tireless secrecy to defeat the Nazis. Quinn's meticulous research and impeccable characterization shine through this gripping and beautifully executed novel."

Beatriz Williams, New York Times bestselling author of HER LAST FLIGHT

The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Huntress and The Alice Network returns with another heart-stopping World War II story of three female code breakers at Bletchley Park and the spy they must root out after the war is over.

1940. As England prepares to fight the Nazis, three very different women answer the call to mysterious country estate Bletchley Park, where the best minds in Britain train to break German military codes. Vivacious debutante Osla is the girl who has everything—beauty, wealth, and the dashing Prince Philip of Greece sending her roses—but she burns to prove herself as more than a society girl, and puts her fluent German to use as a translator of decoded enemy secrets. Imperious self-made Mab, product of east-end London poverty, works the legendary codebreaking machines as she conceals old wounds and looks for a socially advantageous husband. Both Osla and Mab are quick to see the potential in local village spinster Beth, whose shyness conceals a brilliant facility with puzzles, and soon Beth spreads her wings as one of the Park's few female cryptanalysts. But war, loss, and the impossible pressure of secrecy will tear the three apart.

1947. As the royal wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip whips post-war Britain into a fever, three friends-turned-enemies are reunited by a mysterious encrypted letter—the key to which lies buried in the long-ago betrayal that destroyed their friendship and left one of them confined to an asylum. A mysterious traitor has emerged from the shadows of their Bletchley Park past, and now Osla, Mab, and Beth must resurrect their old alliance and crack one last code together. But each petal they remove from the rose code brings danger—and their true enemy—closer...


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