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What Is a Presidential Election?: with…
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What Is a Presidential Election?: with Activities, Stickers, and a Poster! (What Was?) (edizione 2020)

di Douglas Yacka (Autore)

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"Who can run for president? What are the differences between America's two major political parties? Is the Electoral College really a college? The newly updated What Is a Presidential Election? answers these questions and many, many more. From stump speeches to campaign slogans, debates to nominating conventions, and finally to Election Night and Inauguration Day, readers will learn all about what it takes to run for-and win-the most powerful job on earth. Activities throughout prompt readers to think about the issues they care most about and consider what makes a good president, sparking discussion with friends and family. Includes a sheet of presidential bobblehead stickers and a color-your-own Electoral Map for the upcoming 2024 election!"--… (altro)
Titolo:What Is a Presidential Election?: with Activities, Stickers, and a Poster! (What Was?)
Autori:Douglas Yacka (Autore)
Info:Penguin Workshop (2020), 112 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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What Is a Presidential Election? di Douglas Yacka

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"Who can run for president? What are the differences between America's two major political parties? Is the Electoral College really a college? The newly updated What Is a Presidential Election? answers these questions and many, many more. From stump speeches to campaign slogans, debates to nominating conventions, and finally to Election Night and Inauguration Day, readers will learn all about what it takes to run for-and win-the most powerful job on earth. Activities throughout prompt readers to think about the issues they care most about and consider what makes a good president, sparking discussion with friends and family. Includes a sheet of presidential bobblehead stickers and a color-your-own Electoral Map for the upcoming 2024 election!"--

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