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Kill For Me

di Karen Rose

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Daniel Vartanian (3), Romantic Suspense (9)

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5612344,556 (4)16
Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:Five teenage girls have been viciously attacked. One survived. Only she can reveal the secrets of a disturbing ring of people who kidnap and sell teenage girls on the black market. But those responsible for the crimes will do whatever it takes to maintain her silence.
Susannah Vartanian and Luke Papadopoulos have both sworn to stop the murderers for their own personal reasons. The investigation leads them to the shady realm of Internet chat rooms, where anyone can mask his or her identity. They soon discover a chain of deception so intricate they don't know whom to trust. Finding comfort in each other's arms, they begin to unravel the intricately knotted threads, but the killers are ruthless and determined, and won't hesitate to take extreme measures to insure their anonymity and keep their business intact. When Susannah proves to be inexplicably linked to the crimes, her life is soon in danger, and Luke will do everything he can to save the woman he loves.
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Kill For Me
1 Star

Series Note: This is book #9 in the overall series, but book #3 in the Daniel Vartanian trilogy.

I'm definitely in the minority amongst my GR friends, the majority of whom enjoyed the book immensely, so perhaps this review should be taken with a grain of salt.

For me, the Daniel Vartanian books are not up to Rose's standards. The first installment is well worth the read with a gripping suspense story and an engaging couple. However, the 2nd and 3rd are, to put it simply, awful. They are a jumbled mess of mixed perspectives and non-linear sequencing. The plot of #3 is a rehash of #2 with a complete lack of originality, and the romance is mediocre and lackluster. It appears that at least for this sub-trilogy, Rose decided to focus more on the action and less on the romance.

While a huge proponent of reading in order, I can honestly say that Scream for Me and Kill for Me are a waste of valuable reading time. That said, newbies to Rose's books and fans alike should decide for themselves if these are worth the effort. Moving on to #10 now as I've heard that it returns to Rose's tried and true style. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 5, 2023 |
Dieciséis años recién cumplidos y había huido de casa para conocer, por fin, al joven universitario con quien llevaba tiempo chateando, convencida de haberse enamorado. Luego… el silencio.
Seis meses después el caos se desata en Dutton, un pequeño pueblo del estado sureño de Georgia. Cinco adolescentes son asesinadas, y la única que logra sobrevivir sabe que impedirán como sea que hable.
Una pareja está decidida a ayudarla. Luke Papadopoulos, agente federal, se enfrenta a diario al mal sin rostro que merodea en Internet, aunque jamás haya podido acostumbrarse. Susannah Vartanian, que se ha visto forzada a regresar a Dutton, comprende que debe sacar a la luz todo lo que calló durante años.
Ambos se verán obligados a juzgar a todo un pueblo. Un pueblo edificado sobre la crueldad impune, el poder absoluto y los silencios cómplices, un pueblo que se sustenta gracias a la poderosa tela de una araña que no puede permitir que nadie escape.
  Natt90 | Mar 9, 2023 |
This book is exceptionally good romantic suspense. The story is quite detailed and very well written. Rose keeps the reader guessing very convincingly and thoroughly builds suspense throughout the series. ( )
  ftbooklover | Oct 12, 2021 |
Er zijn al vijf meisjes vermoord. Eén meisje weet te ontsnappen en kan als de enige getuigen tegen de daders. Maar iemand doet er alles aan om haar het zwijgen op te leggen... Ook Susannah Vartanian is in het verleden slachtoffer geweest van een geweldsdelict. Samen met Luke Papadopoulos probeert ze de daders op te sporen voordat nog meer meisjes aan hun gruwelpraktijken ten prooi vallen. De zaak leidt hen naar schimmige internetchatrooms en naar een duistere wereld vol geweld, chantage en prostitutie. Ze komen een gigantisch netwerk van vrouwenhandelaars op het spoor dat zo complex in elkaar steekt dat het onmogelijk is nog te weten wie er te vertrouwen valt en wie niet. En de gewetenloze moordenaars doen er alles aan om te zorgen dat het spoor niet naar hen leidt, en daarbij ontzien ze niemand...
  Lin456 | Oct 20, 2020 |
Kill For Me
1 Star

Series Note: This is book #9 in the overall series, but book #3 in the Daniel Vartanian trilogy.

I'm definitely in the minority amongst my GR friends, the majority of whom enjoyed the book immensely, so perhaps this review should be taken with a grain of salt.

For me, the Daniel Vartanian books are not up to Rose's standards. The first installment is well worth the read with a gripping suspense story and an engaging couple. However, the 2nd and 3rd are, to put it simply, awful. They are a jumbled mess of mixed perspectives and non-linear sequencing. The plot of #3 is a rehash of #2 with a complete lack of originality, and the romance is mediocre and lackluster. It appears that at least for this sub-trilogy, Rose decided to focus more on the action and less on the romance.

While a huge proponent of reading in order, I can honestly say that Scream for Me and Kill for Me are a waste of valuable reading time. That said, newbies to Rose's books and fans alike should decide for themselves if these are worth the effort. Moving on to #10 now as I've heard that it returns to Rose's tried and true style. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 24, 2018 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (3 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Karen Roseautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Gilbert, TaviaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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For Martin for always believing in me even when I don't. I love you.

To Sarah for achieving your dreams despite all the obstacles. You inspire me. Life, Prosperity, Health.
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Monica Cassidy felt a flutter in her stomach.
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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:Five teenage girls have been viciously attacked. One survived. Only she can reveal the secrets of a disturbing ring of people who kidnap and sell teenage girls on the black market. But those responsible for the crimes will do whatever it takes to maintain her silence.
Susannah Vartanian and Luke Papadopoulos have both sworn to stop the murderers for their own personal reasons. The investigation leads them to the shady realm of Internet chat rooms, where anyone can mask his or her identity. They soon discover a chain of deception so intricate they don't know whom to trust. Finding comfort in each other's arms, they begin to unravel the intricately knotted threads, but the killers are ruthless and determined, and won't hesitate to take extreme measures to insure their anonymity and keep their business intact. When Susannah proves to be inexplicably linked to the crimes, her life is soon in danger, and Luke will do everything he can to save the woman he loves.

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