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Sto caricando le informazioni... L'assedio della rocca (1977)di Stephen R. Donaldson
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. Mixed feelings abound about this last in the initial trilogy for Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever - some think this was the best of the first three books, others the worst. I suppose I'm somewhere in the middle. I still found it a good book, but feel as though Donaldson's narrative wanes throughout the book, until the last hundred pages or so. It must be hard to sustain a narrative over so many pages and continue to bring something new to the story, and I felt the strain of it through the middle. Nonetheless, I still think that Donaldson's world-building and creativity are above the field, as so many of these adventure McGuffins are so much Tolkein detritus. I won't get into the story, as so many of you already know that Covenant doesn't believe but does, as he accidentally succeeds in saving a world he can't place in either his mind or in another dimension of reality. Recommended!!!! 4 bones!!!! Dos veces Thomas Covenant, habÃa sido transportado al Reino, al extraño mundo donde la magia era una realidad, donde era posible que residiera la realidad verdadera en la que Covenant no creÃa. Dos veces habÃa sido obligado a unirse a los Amos, en su guerra contra el Amo Execrable, el eterno enemigo del Reino. nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
Appartiene alle SerieAppartiene alle Collane EditorialiFontana (5247) Science Fiction Book Club (1967)
Science Fiction.
HTML:"A trilogy of remarkable scope and sophistication."—Los Angeles Times Twice before Thomas Covenant had been summoned to the strange otherworld where magic worked. Twice before he had been forced to join with the Lords of Revelstone in their war against Lord Foul, the ancient enemy of the Land. Now he was back—to a Land ravaged by the armies of Lord Foul. The Lords were besieged and helpless. No place was safe, and Foul's victory seemed certain. Only Covenant could avert it. Desperately and without hope, he set out to confront the might of the Enemy. Along with him traveled a Giant, a Bloodguard, and the madwoman he had wronged. And in Foul's Creche, Lord Foul grew in power with each new defeat for the Land. . . . Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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I guess, it's kind of original in fantasy novels, so I appreciate that, just not sure I want to read more of it. I hated Covenant almost the entire time. When one of his companions was someone who he had wronged and they loved him, I was delighted by thinking that he would suffer for it. Then I realized that he loves suffering and was always looking for a reason to be even more negative, so that ruined it for me.
BUT this still got 4 stars. What I loved, corrupted giants, friendly giants, ancient artifacts of power, huge sieges of ancient strongholds, lots and lots of magic, the deep history of the land, and of course, finally some good news for the good guys. About that good news, a couple people have talked about the "victory chapter". I loved it, but it seems like the key to it was "the oath of peace", which always seemed kind of lame to me. Like, "our whole world is being destroyed and everyone is being killed, but we better be nice and make sure we don't hurt the bad guys too much, unless we absolutely have to." Again, it almost became like a superhero trope, "we don't kill villains". ( )