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Never Lasting

di Julia Wolf

Serie: Never Blue Duet (1)

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Tali DiPietro is a good girl with a streak of punk rock rebel. Before I left for college, my mom told me not to settle down with the first guy who crosses my path. Sage advice, sure, but that's hard to do after I share an elevator with a guy who is nothing like the boys back home. I swore off musicians a long time ago, but when I see Jude on stage for the first time, I know I'm going to fall for him, and I'm damn sure it's going to hurt. Jude Goldman is a bad boy with a guitar and big dreams. I have one goal: making it as a musician. There's no obstacle I won't destroy to be the one under the spotlight. Nothing has slowed me down, not until a chocolate-eyed girl with a New York accent enters my world. Tali becomes as important as landing a record deal, and I'll do anything to have both, no matter how much it hurts.  We're two ships moored together in a storm of excess, stardom, and broken promises, pulled apart and yanked back in, until we're both battered and breaking. We have that forever kind of love, but for us, forever might be nothing more than stardust and memories. (The Never Blue Duet is a spin-off of the Blue is the Color series, but can be read as a complete standalone!)… (altro)
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Tali DiPietro is a good girl with a streak of punk rock rebel. Before I left for college, my mom told me not to settle down with the first guy who crosses my path. Sage advice, sure, but that's hard to do after I share an elevator with a guy who is nothing like the boys back home. I swore off musicians a long time ago, but when I see Jude on stage for the first time, I know I'm going to fall for him, and I'm damn sure it's going to hurt. Jude Goldman is a bad boy with a guitar and big dreams. I have one goal: making it as a musician. There's no obstacle I won't destroy to be the one under the spotlight. Nothing has slowed me down, not until a chocolate-eyed girl with a New York accent enters my world. Tali becomes as important as landing a record deal, and I'll do anything to have both, no matter how much it hurts.  We're two ships moored together in a storm of excess, stardom, and broken promises, pulled apart and yanked back in, until we're both battered and breaking. We have that forever kind of love, but for us, forever might be nothing more than stardust and memories. (The Never Blue Duet is a spin-off of the Blue is the Color series, but can be read as a complete standalone!)

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