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Making Peace with God

di Harold H. Bloomfield

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20Nessuno1,129,493 (3)Nessuno
How often do we wish to pray, to meditate, or to otherwise relate to a higher power only to find ourselves stymied by confusion or doubt? In Making Peace with God, bestselling authors Harold Bloomfield and Philip Goldberg explore how the unresolved experiences of childhood and the burning complexities of adulthood frequently derail our efforts to reach a mature understanding of religion and spirituality. This immensely useful guide examines persistent doubts and questions, and transforms them into tools that can be used to discover what lies behind our spiritual yearnings. Readers can choose from among nine religious "personality drives" to better understand their expectations of, and struggles with, the idea of Divinity. Making Peace with Godleaves us with a renewed understanding of ourselves and a clearer sense of our spiritual calling.… (altro)
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How often do we wish to pray, to meditate, or to otherwise relate to a higher power only to find ourselves stymied by confusion or doubt? In Making Peace with God, bestselling authors Harold Bloomfield and Philip Goldberg explore how the unresolved experiences of childhood and the burning complexities of adulthood frequently derail our efforts to reach a mature understanding of religion and spirituality. This immensely useful guide examines persistent doubts and questions, and transforms them into tools that can be used to discover what lies behind our spiritual yearnings. Readers can choose from among nine religious "personality drives" to better understand their expectations of, and struggles with, the idea of Divinity. Making Peace with Godleaves us with a renewed understanding of ourselves and a clearer sense of our spiritual calling.

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