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HCSB Harmony of the Gospels di Steven L. Cox
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HCSB Harmony of the Gospels (edizione 2007)

di Steven L. Cox, Kendell H. Easley

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Gospel harmonies were inevitable. One of the first impulses of someone studying a teaching or an event in Jesus' life is to seek as many perspectives on that event as possible. Around AD 160 Tatian compiled a single narrative of the four Gospels, reducing the number of verses from 3,780 (four separate Gospels) to 2,769 verses without excluding any event or teaching from the life of Jesus. This Holman Christian Standard Harmony of the Gospels builds on a tradition of harmonization begun in the 19TH century by John A. Broadus and continued by his protege, A.T. Robertson. The HCSB Harmony contains the full text of the each of the four Gospels in the Holman Christian Standard Bible. The Harmony contains interpretive and clarifying notes by a number of scholars, some with differing views on the relationship between various Gospel accounts. Beyond the Harmony, this volume includes articles designed to address issues that arise when one compares the four Gospels and seeks to give an integrated account of the life and teachings of Jesus. The HCSB Harmony is unique in that it contains eight four-color maps that illuminate the life and ministry of Jesus. This resource will be valuable to pastors, lay Bible teachers, and will serve well as a primary textbook in college and seminary courses on the Gospels and on the Life and Teachings of Jesus. Book jacket.… (altro)
Titolo:HCSB Harmony of the Gospels
Autori:Steven L. Cox
Altri autori:Kendell H. Easley
Info:Holman Reference (2007), Hardcover, 400 pages
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HCSB Harmony of the Gospels di Steven L. Cox

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Gospel harmonies were inevitable. One of the first impulses of someone studying a teaching or an event in Jesus’ life is to seek as many perspectives on that event as possible. Around AD 160 Tatian compiled a single narrative of the four Gospels, reducing the number of verses from 3,780 (four separate Gospels) to 2,769 verses comprising every event and teaching from the life of Jesus. This Harmony of the Gospels builds on a tradition of harmonization begun in the nineteenth century by John A. Broadus and continued by his protégé, A.T. Robertson.

The Harmony of the Gospels contains interpretive and clarifying notes by a number of scholars, some with differing views on the relationship between various Gospel accounts. Beyond the harmony, this volume includes articles designed to address issues that arise when one compares the four Gospels and seeks to give an integrated account of the life and teachings of Jesus. This harmony also contains eight four-color maps that illuminate the life and ministry of Jesus. This resource will be valuable to pastors and lay Bible teachers, and will serve well as a primary textbook in college and seminary courses on the Gospels and on the life and teachings of Jesus.
  Rawderson_Rangel | Sep 7, 2022 |
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Gospel harmonies were inevitable. One of the first impulses of someone studying a teaching or an event in Jesus' life is to seek as many perspectives on that event as possible. Around AD 160 Tatian compiled a single narrative of the four Gospels, reducing the number of verses from 3,780 (four separate Gospels) to 2,769 verses without excluding any event or teaching from the life of Jesus. This Holman Christian Standard Harmony of the Gospels builds on a tradition of harmonization begun in the 19TH century by John A. Broadus and continued by his protege, A.T. Robertson. The HCSB Harmony contains the full text of the each of the four Gospels in the Holman Christian Standard Bible. The Harmony contains interpretive and clarifying notes by a number of scholars, some with differing views on the relationship between various Gospel accounts. Beyond the Harmony, this volume includes articles designed to address issues that arise when one compares the four Gospels and seeks to give an integrated account of the life and teachings of Jesus. The HCSB Harmony is unique in that it contains eight four-color maps that illuminate the life and ministry of Jesus. This resource will be valuable to pastors, lay Bible teachers, and will serve well as a primary textbook in college and seminary courses on the Gospels and on the Life and Teachings of Jesus. Book jacket.

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