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Tomorrow's Promise

di Lee Roddy

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35Nessuno717,929 (3.5)Nessuno
"Laurel has promised to take one more assignment as a Pinkerton Detective before she marries Ridge. But before she can start a new case involving the building of the transcontinental railroad, she discovers the murder of someone extremely close to her. She vows to find the murderer and bring him to justice.Could the murder be connected to Laurel's war-time spying? And who could have learned her carefully held secret? She's told only three people what she did--and now one of them is dead. As Laurel searches for the killer, she also struggles over her love for Ridge. Is love enough to overcome the bitter wartime memories of a Northerner and a Southerner?Her aunt says that there comes a time when no one can help except God. What will it take for Laurel to reach that point? And will God answer her prayer when she hasn't been on very good terms with Him?"… (altro)
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To My Literary Agent,

Greg Johnson

of Alive Communications, Inc.,
with deep appreciation.
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He sat unnoticed in the ebb and flow of humanity at the Chicago depot that muggy July day, 1867, string at her over the top of an open newspaper.
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"Laurel has promised to take one more assignment as a Pinkerton Detective before she marries Ridge. But before she can start a new case involving the building of the transcontinental railroad, she discovers the murder of someone extremely close to her. She vows to find the murderer and bring him to justice.Could the murder be connected to Laurel's war-time spying? And who could have learned her carefully held secret? She's told only three people what she did--and now one of them is dead. As Laurel searches for the killer, she also struggles over her love for Ridge. Is love enough to overcome the bitter wartime memories of a Northerner and a Southerner?Her aunt says that there comes a time when no one can help except God. What will it take for Laurel to reach that point? And will God answer her prayer when she hasn't been on very good terms with Him?"

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