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A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision…
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A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality (originale 2000; edizione 2001)

di Ken Wilber (Autore)

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567143,984 (4.03)3
Here is a concise, comprehensive overview of Wilber's revolutionary thought and its application in today's world. In A Theory of Everything, Wilber uses clear, nontechnical language to present complex, cutting-edge theories that integrate the realms of body, mind, soul, and spirit. He then demonstrates how these theories and models can be applied to real-world problems in areas such as politics, medicine, business, education, and the environment. Wilber also discusses daily practices that readers take up in order to apply this integrative vision to their own everyday lives.… (altro)
Titolo:A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality
Autori:Ken Wilber (Autore)
Info:Shambhala (2001), Edition: Later prt., 189 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality di Ken Wilber (2000)

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Excellent overview of Wilber's "Integral Theory" that synthesizes evolutionary psychology, spirituality, Western & Eastern philosophies, and various worldviews into a holistic (indeed, holonic!) framework for human development. It covers a broad territory referring to other works (most notably his own) for more substantive and detailed information; this is my one complaint. ( )
  m.j.brown | Dec 13, 2020 |
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Ken Wilberautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Sobol, DiegoTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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This is why the self at this stage is indeed the “sensitive self.” Precisely because it is aware of the many different contexts and numerous different types of truth (pluralism), it bends over backwards in an attempt to let each truth have its own say, without marginalizing or belittling any. As with the catchwords “antihierarchy,” “pluralism,” “relativism,” and “egalitarianism,” whenever you hear the word “marginalization” and a criticism of it, you are almost always in the presence of a green meme.

This noble intent, of course, has its downside. Meetings that are run on green principles tend to follow a similar course: everybody is allowed to express his or her feelings, which often takes hours; there is an almost interminable processing of opinions, often reaching no decision or course of action, since a specific course of action would likely exclude somebody. Thus there are often calls for an inclusionary, nonmarginalizing, compassionate embrace of all views, but exactly how to do this is rarely spelled out, since in reality not all views are of equal merit. The meeting is considered a success, not if a conclusion is reached, but if everybody has a chance to share their feelings. Since no view is supposed to be inherently better than another, no real course of action can be recommended, other than haring all views. If any statements are made with certainty, it is how oppressive and nasty all the alternative conceptions are. There was a saying common in the sixties: “Freedom is an endless meeting.” Well, the endless part was certainly right.
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Here is a concise, comprehensive overview of Wilber's revolutionary thought and its application in today's world. In A Theory of Everything, Wilber uses clear, nontechnical language to present complex, cutting-edge theories that integrate the realms of body, mind, soul, and spirit. He then demonstrates how these theories and models can be applied to real-world problems in areas such as politics, medicine, business, education, and the environment. Wilber also discusses daily practices that readers take up in order to apply this integrative vision to their own everyday lives.

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