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Sto caricando le informazioni... People of the Firedi Kathleen O'Neal Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear, W. Michael Gear, W. Michael Gear
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. Durante el llamado periodo Altitermal, unos 7.000 anos antes de nuestra era, una terrible sequia se apodero del continente americano, arrasando la vegetacion, calcinando la tierra y diezmando las manadas de bufalos. La caza escaseaba, el hambre asediaba a los grupos de cazadores de la llanura y los empujaba hacia las tierras altas, donde habitaba la tribu de recolectores de los Mano Roja. La guerra se hacia inevitable mientras persistiera la sequia. Y seria encarnizada y cruenta...La Tribu del Fuego es la segunda y fascinante novela de la serie sobre los primeros pobladores de Norteamerica iniciada con La Tribu del Lobo. This series is sub-titled "North America's Forgotten Past." I had previously read [People of the Wolf], which I enjoyed; albeit a bit too mystical for me. I found that this 2nd book in the series, was totally modeled after the first book, only the names were changed. This book centered around "The Wolf Bundle" which held spirit guiding qualities. I won't read anymore in this series because it's just too formulaic and too mystical. In the intro, it states that this book took place in the transition period after the last ice age, which places it at about 6000 BCE. I did not check for the accuracy of these dates because firstly, I'm not interested and secondly, I know there is much debate about the dates of the Ice Ages, and again, not interested! 452 pages In the time of the Great Drought the Southwestern Deserts dry up and blow away. Power works in the people to create those who will be needed to keep The People alive through this time of Fire. A young boy is born, tested through life, given the choice of family or power, and warned that in the end he cannot have both.... Will he find the strength to save The People, to lead them to a new way ... or will they all perish with him? nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
Appartiene alle SerieÈ contenuto in1. People of the Wolf - 2. People of the Fire - 3. People of the Earth - 4. People of the River - 5. People of the Sea (People Series The First North Americans 1 to 5) di Kathleen O'Neal Gear 12- First North Americans Series: People of the - Fire/ River/ Lakes/ Silence/ Mist/ Masks/ Owl/ Raven/ Moon/ Weeping Eye/ Lightning/ Nightland di Kathleen O'Neal Gear 13 Books in People Series: People of the...Wolf; Fire; Earth; River; Sea; Lakes; Lightning; Silence; Mist; Masks; Owl; Raven; Moon di Kathleen O'Neal Gear È riassunto inElenchi di rilievo
Historical Fiction.
HTML: It is a time of fire. A small band of pioneers struggle valiantly to keep their ancestors' dreams alive in an unforgiving, drought-stricken land. Driven by the promise of an awesome vision, a heroic young dreamer and a fearless woman warrior unite to lead their people to a magnificent destiny. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999Classificazione LCVotoMedia:
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