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The Weaver's Surprise

di Tom Knisely

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What happens when a family of mice moves into a weaver's cottage for the winter? Will they tuck into his woven cloth for a long winter's nap? Will the weaver discover their presence, and if he does, what will he do? This enchanting tale is spun by master weaver Tom Knisely, author of several instructional weaving books including Weaving Rag Rugs, Handwoven Table Linens, Handwoven Baby Blankets, and his latest, Huck Lace Weaving Patterns with Color and Weave Effects. Told in compassionate detail, the story makes you wonder, has Tom had personal experience with tiny curious visitors? Illustrated by Megan Lloyd, the adorable family of mice win your heart from the very first page. Lloyd, an experienced children's book illustrator with dozens of books to her credit and also a weaver, brought both of her talents together to create accurate renderings of weaving tools and also the oh-so-cute mouse family. Age range 4-8… (altro)
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What happens when a family of mice moves into a weaver's cottage for the winter? Will they tuck into his woven cloth for a long winter's nap? Will the weaver discover their presence, and if he does, what will he do? This enchanting tale is spun by master weaver Tom Knisely, author of several instructional weaving books including Weaving Rag Rugs, Handwoven Table Linens, Handwoven Baby Blankets, and his latest, Huck Lace Weaving Patterns with Color and Weave Effects. Told in compassionate detail, the story makes you wonder, has Tom had personal experience with tiny curious visitors? Illustrated by Megan Lloyd, the adorable family of mice win your heart from the very first page. Lloyd, an experienced children's book illustrator with dozens of books to her credit and also a weaver, brought both of her talents together to create accurate renderings of weaving tools and also the oh-so-cute mouse family. Age range 4-8

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