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Golden Quest

di John Warner

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In a story with more hooks than a strip on Velcro, British journalist Raymond Barton arrives in Germany in 1990 to cover a boring magazine assignment on German reunification. Unsuspecting, he is caught in a murderous intrigue to recover a cache of Nazi gold and is pursued by international secret agencies, the police, and a deep-cover Nazi organization. Isolated and hunted, Raymond recruits his old German love Astrid, to help. They are quickly forced to rescue Raymond's jealous English fiancée, Mandy, who has been mysteriously kidnapped and this unlikely trio then sets off to recover the gold and hopefully, take their pursuers off their trail. They seek out the sole survivor of the World War Two gold burial party. He has been trying to reach the gold for decades, but an Iron Curtain minefield was coincidentally sown over the site. With the minefield slated for removal, it becomes a race against time. However, the discovery of secrets contained within the cache plunge them into further intrigue. They are hijacked to South America while recovering the gold, into the lair of an old Nazi SS General who has formulated an elaborate plan as his dying revenge on the United States and Israel. The trio manages to escape and flies to New York, the site of the plan. In terminal phase, with New York under curfew and thousands of people dying, the three are forced to try and cripple the plan while overcoming all the odds against them.… (altro)
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In a story with more hooks than a strip on Velcro, British journalist Raymond Barton arrives in Germany in 1990 to cover a boring magazine assignment on German reunification. Unsuspecting, he is caught in a murderous intrigue to recover a cache of Nazi gold and is pursued by international secret agencies, the police, and a deep-cover Nazi organization. Isolated and hunted, Raymond recruits his old German love Astrid, to help. They are quickly forced to rescue Raymond's jealous English fiancée, Mandy, who has been mysteriously kidnapped and this unlikely trio then sets off to recover the gold and hopefully, take their pursuers off their trail. They seek out the sole survivor of the World War Two gold burial party. He has been trying to reach the gold for decades, but an Iron Curtain minefield was coincidentally sown over the site. With the minefield slated for removal, it becomes a race against time. However, the discovery of secrets contained within the cache plunge them into further intrigue. They are hijacked to South America while recovering the gold, into the lair of an old Nazi SS General who has formulated an elaborate plan as his dying revenge on the United States and Israel. The trio manages to escape and flies to New York, the site of the plan. In terminal phase, with New York under curfew and thousands of people dying, the three are forced to try and cripple the plan while overcoming all the odds against them.

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