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Gemma [aka Don't Wake the Dead] (CRD S1 E5)

di Kelly Moore, Shannyn Leah

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Serie: The Crazy Rich Davenports (Season 1: Episode 5)

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Another day of chaos in the Davenport household. A spa day goes awry and a seance, set up by Gemma to talk to her dad, gets out of hand. They get way more than they bargained for, but may gain the leverage they need to deal with Mark's parents. Ford continues to try and resist Daisy. Yaya sets Daisy up to keep Tommy at bay, and Tommy ruins Pops plans for a fun sexy evening with Yaya.Just your average dysFUNctional day at the Davenports household.Warning: If you are looking for a sweet, sensitive book with a happily ever after, this isn't it. It is a totally inappropriate book about a completely dysfunctional family. The F word flies free along with many other curse words. Feel free to get drunk (because the Davenports sure are!) while you're reading it, and prepare to wet yourself laughing. If sex scenes are not your thing, this book might not be your thing. But, if you have a crazy sense of humor and like raunchy comedies - you're in the right place. Join in on the craziness of The Crazy Rich Davenport Family.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daShannynLeah

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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Kelly Mooreautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Leah, Shannynautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Genova, KerryA cura diautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato

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The Crazy Rich Davenports (Season 1: Episode 5)
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Another day of chaos in the Davenport household. A spa day goes awry and a seance, set up by Gemma to talk to her dad, gets out of hand. They get way more than they bargained for, but may gain the leverage they need to deal with Mark's parents. Ford continues to try and resist Daisy. Yaya sets Daisy up to keep Tommy at bay, and Tommy ruins Pops plans for a fun sexy evening with Yaya.Just your average dysFUNctional day at the Davenports household.Warning: If you are looking for a sweet, sensitive book with a happily ever after, this isn't it. It is a totally inappropriate book about a completely dysfunctional family. The F word flies free along with many other curse words. Feel free to get drunk (because the Davenports sure are!) while you're reading it, and prepare to wet yourself laughing. If sex scenes are not your thing, this book might not be your thing. But, if you have a crazy sense of humor and like raunchy comedies - you're in the right place. Join in on the craziness of The Crazy Rich Davenport Family.

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