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I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf di Grant…
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I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf (originale 2020; edizione 2020)

di Grant Snider (Autore)

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6163639,783 (3.9)63
Language Arts. Reference. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:A look at the culture and fanaticism of book lovers, from the beloved New York Times illustrator and creator of Incidental Comics.
It's no secret, but we are judged by our bookshelves. We learn to read at an early age, and as we grow older we shed our beloved books for new ones. But some of us surround ourselves with books. We collect them, decorate with them, are inspired by them, and treat our books as sacred objects. In this lighthearted collection of one- and two-page comics, writer-artist Grant Snider explores bookishness in all its forms, and the love of writing and reading, building on the beloved literary comics featured on his website, Incidental Comics. I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf is the perfect gift for bookworms of all ages.
"This playful, self-aware collection of strips and gags on the joys and frustrations of reading and writing is equal parts lighthearted and sincere . . . The panels range from gently clever to surprisingly profound to laugh-out-loud." â??Publishers Weekly
"A prescient book for these times." â??Newsarama… (altro)
Titolo:I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf
Autori:Grant Snider (Autore)
Info:Abrams ComicArts (2020), Edition: Illustrated, 128 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf di Grant Snider (2020)

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I don't know how many times, relatives, friends and acquaintances, seeing my books, which are always many and always growing, exclaimed: "Have you read them all?" And I, every time I have had to repeat the same answer, starting from the fact that I was born and raised in a printing shop, and I am the son of a family of printers. If they were to give an answer to this consideration that gives this book its title, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to say who I really am. I can't even say it myself every time I look at my books, consult them, find them again. I said "I find them" because they are in different and distant places. But this is a speech that I plan to make in a specific post on the subject linked to the identity of a bibliomaniac. For now it is enough for me to say that I did not expect much from this book. The original version sounds quite different, "I will judge you by your books" but the idea is the same albeit with different perspectives. Two words are involved that proceed in parallel but can also converge: identity and judgment. Obviously, we always refer to those who make books a very special and personal matter. ( )
  AntonioGallo | May 12, 2021 |
Non so quante volte, parenti, amici e conoscenti, al vedere i miei libri, che sono sempre tanti e sempre in crescendo, hanno esclamato: "Ma li hai letti tutti?" Ed io, ogni volta ho dovuto ripetere la stessa risposta, partendo dal fatto che sono nato e cresciuto in una tipografia, e sono figlio di una famiglia di tipografi. Se dovessero dare una risposta a questa considerazione che dà il titolo a questo libro, sono sicuro che non saprebbero dire chi sono io davvero. Non so dirlo nemmeno io stesso ogni qualvolta guardo i miei libri, li consulto, li ritrovo. Ho detto "li ritrovo" perchè sono in luoghi diversi e lontani. Ma questo è un discorso che mi riprometto di fare in un post specifico sull'argomento legato alla identità di un bibliomane. Per ora mi basta dire che da questo libro non mi aspettavo più di tanto. La versione originale suona piuttosto diversa, "I will judge you by your books" ma l'idea è la stessa anche se con prospettive diverse. Sono coinvolte due parole che procedono in parallelo ma possono anche convergere: identità e giudizio. Ci si riferisce, ovviamente, sempre a chi dei libri ne fa una questione quanto mai speciale e personale. ( )
  AntonioGallo | May 12, 2021 |
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To my parents, for always letting me steal from their bookshelf.
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Language Arts. Reference. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:A look at the culture and fanaticism of book lovers, from the beloved New York Times illustrator and creator of Incidental Comics.
It's no secret, but we are judged by our bookshelves. We learn to read at an early age, and as we grow older we shed our beloved books for new ones. But some of us surround ourselves with books. We collect them, decorate with them, are inspired by them, and treat our books as sacred objects. In this lighthearted collection of one- and two-page comics, writer-artist Grant Snider explores bookishness in all its forms, and the love of writing and reading, building on the beloved literary comics featured on his website, Incidental Comics. I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf is the perfect gift for bookworms of all ages.
"This playful, self-aware collection of strips and gags on the joys and frustrations of reading and writing is equal parts lighthearted and sincere . . . The panels range from gently clever to surprisingly profound to laugh-out-loud." â??Publishers Weekly
"A prescient book for these times." â??Newsarama

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