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Teacher Created Materials - TIME…
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Teacher Created Materials - TIME Informational Text: You Are There! Ancient Egypt 1336 BC - Grade 6 (edizione 2016)

di Wendy Conklin;Blane Conklin (Autore)

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Explore what life was life in ancient Egypt under the reign of Tutankhamun! Students will be whisked away to the past with this informational text that breathes life into history and examines the hieroglyphics, religion, politics, style, and lives of ancient Egyptians. Developed by Timothy Rasinski and Lori Oczkus, and featuring TIME content, this book includes essential text features like an index, captions, glossary, and table of contents. The detailed sidebars, fascinating images, and Dig Deeper section prompt students to connect back to the text and encourage multiple readings. Check It Out! includes suggested resources for further reading. Aligned with state standards, this title features complex content appropriate for students preparing for college and career readiness.… (altro)
Titolo:Teacher Created Materials - TIME Informational Text: You Are There! Ancient Egypt 1336 BC - Grade 6
Autori:Wendy Conklin;Blane Conklin (Autore)
Info:Teacher Created Materials (2016), Edition: 1, 32 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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You Are There! Ancient Egypt 1336 BC di Wendy Conklin

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Conklin, Blaneautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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Explore what life was life in ancient Egypt under the reign of Tutankhamun! Students will be whisked away to the past with this informational text that breathes life into history and examines the hieroglyphics, religion, politics, style, and lives of ancient Egyptians. Developed by Timothy Rasinski and Lori Oczkus, and featuring TIME content, this book includes essential text features like an index, captions, glossary, and table of contents. The detailed sidebars, fascinating images, and Dig Deeper section prompt students to connect back to the text and encourage multiple readings. Check It Out! includes suggested resources for further reading. Aligned with state standards, this title features complex content appropriate for students preparing for college and career readiness.

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