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Memorie di un soldato bambino (2007)

di Ishmael Beah

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
7,3093131,298 (4.02)1 / 260
This is how wars are fought now: by children, hopped-up on drugs and wielding AK-47s. Children have become soldiers of choice. In the more than fifty conflicts going on worldwide, it is estimated that there are some 300,000 child soldiers. Child soldiers have been profiled by journalists, and novelists have struggled to imagine their lives. But until now, there has not been a first-person account from someone who came through this hell and survived. Ishmael Beah, now 25 years old, tells how at the age of twelve, he fled attacking rebels and wandered a land rendered unrecognizable by violence. By thirteen, he'd been picked up by the government army, and Beah, at heart a gentle boy, found that he was capable of truly terrible acts.--From publisher description.… (altro)
  1. 40
    Erano solo ragazzi in cammino: autobiografia di Valentino Achak Deng di Dave Eggers (SqueakyChu)
    SqueakyChu: Both are about a refugee's survival. Egger's book is fiction based on fact.
  2. 30
    They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky: The Story of Three Lost Boys from Sudan di Benjamin Ajak (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: This collection of essays provides a vision of war in Sudan from the perspective of three young boys.
  3. 20
    Strength in What Remains di Tracy Kidder (khuggard)
  4. 10
    War Child: A Child Soldier's Story di Emmanuel Jal (BookshelfMonstrosity)
  5. 10
    Ake'. Gli anni dell'infanzia di Wole Soyinka (cammykitty)
    cammykitty: Not a traumatic childhood such as Beah's, but an African childhood of a man, who like Beah has struggled to improve and has been at odds with his own country.
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    Escape from Slavery: The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity and My Journey to Freedom in America di Francis Bok (meggyweg)
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    Coppola: A Pediatric Surgeon in Iraq di Chris Coppola (jlink)
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    Allah non è mica obbligato di Ahmadou Kourouma (meggyweg)
  9. 11
    Il ragazzo che catturò il vento: l'intelligenza e la tenacia di un solo giovane possono illuminare l'intero villaggio di William Kamkwamba (_Zoe_)
    _Zoe_: This is another story of a difficult African childhood, but it's much more uplifting throughout.
  10. 00
    An Ordinary Man: The True Story Behind Hotel Rwanda di Paul Rusesabagina (SqueakyChu)
    SqueakyChu: Turmoil in another African country
  11. 00
    Teenager in the Chad Civil War: A Memoir of Survival, 1982-1986 di Esaie Toingar (meggyweg)
  12. 00
    Chasing the Devil: On Foot Through Africa's Killing Fields di Tim Butcher (section241)
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Gruppo ArgomentoMessaggiUltimo messaggio 
 World Reading Circle: A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah2 non letti / 2mirrani, Gennaio 2014

» Vedi le 260 citazioni

Inglese (311)  Francese (1)  Italiano (1)  Tutte le lingue (313)
Il racconto sta nel titolo. L’ambientazione è la guerra civile nella Sierra del Leone negli anni novanta. L’autore è un ragazzo di 12 anni, eroe per caso. Coinvolto in una guerra terribile, fratricida, da ribelli e forze governative è un atto di accusa durissimo nei confronti dell’indifferenza delle cosiddette regioni civili nei confronti dei drammi che avvengono nel Sud del mondo. Dittatori e contro dittatori da operetta che avviano stragi incredibili. La forza del potere, contro la forza della ragione. Il libro è autobiografico. Lo stile è narrativo, secco, spesso ripetitivo. Ma a volte repetita iuvant. Rircodo Blood diamond, grande film, sullo stesso tema. Da leggere per sapere. ( )
  grandeghi | Apr 6, 2019 |
The book, A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Boy Soldier, is a story about how a boy at a young age had to witness something major that was taking place in Africa, his homeland. This leave the audience shocked because he explains what he went through as a child and how it affected him as the war went by. For the ones who have read this book understand the struggle that the main character, Ishmael, Ishmael Beah, went through. He was separated from his family and was taken in by the group who would kill the rebels to survive. The rebels are known as the ones who started the war.
aggiunto da Kayla_Tovar | modificaBook, Kayla Tovar (Dec 17, 2018)

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To the memories of Nya Nje, Nya Keke, Nya Ndig-ge isa, and Kaynya. Your spririts and presence within me give me strength to carry on,

to all the children of Sierra Leone who were robbed of their childhoods,

and to the memory of Walter (Wally) Scheuer for his generous and compassionate heart and for teaching me the etiquette of being a gentleman
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My high school friends have begun to suspect I haven't told them the full story of my life.
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Wikipedia in inglese (4)

This is how wars are fought now: by children, hopped-up on drugs and wielding AK-47s. Children have become soldiers of choice. In the more than fifty conflicts going on worldwide, it is estimated that there are some 300,000 child soldiers. Child soldiers have been profiled by journalists, and novelists have struggled to imagine their lives. But until now, there has not been a first-person account from someone who came through this hell and survived. Ishmael Beah, now 25 years old, tells how at the age of twelve, he fled attacking rebels and wandered a land rendered unrecognizable by violence. By thirteen, he'd been picked up by the government army, and Beah, at heart a gentle boy, found that he was capable of truly terrible acts.--From publisher description.

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