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Free To Be Me: An LGBTQ Journal of Love, Pride and Finding Your Inner Rainbow

di K. Domin

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An activity book for anyone from 13 to 73 who thinks they might be different - by writer, illustrator, LGBTQ+ activist and utterly fabulous merman, Dom&Ink. Coming out is one of the biggest moments a young person can go through. This book will ensure they'll never have to go through it alone. I'm Just Me is a safe space to pour out thoughts, feelings and reactions. Every page is packed with activities, advice, colour and sass, with spreads to colour, scribble, brainstorm, design and glitter. Write the letter to your parents that you've always wanted to; read brilliant affirmations and quotes; and find out how to throw your own Pride Prom. Learn all about LGBTQ+ culture and the history of gay rights; find out where to seek support and advice in your area; and read Dom's real-life coming-out story. And meet dancing drag queens, rainbow donuts, mermaids and unicorns and the world's sassiest LGBTQ+ dinosaur- Brett the Sassysaurus! Warm, hilarious, caring and insightful, I'm Just Mewill fill every reader with self-esteem, confidence and pride. This isn't just an activity book. It's something you talk to, you come out to, and - most importantly - you see your true self within its rainbow-coloured pages.… (altro)
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An activity book for anyone from 13 to 73 who thinks they might be different - by writer, illustrator, LGBTQ+ activist and utterly fabulous merman, Dom&Ink. Coming out is one of the biggest moments a young person can go through. This book will ensure they'll never have to go through it alone. I'm Just Me is a safe space to pour out thoughts, feelings and reactions. Every page is packed with activities, advice, colour and sass, with spreads to colour, scribble, brainstorm, design and glitter. Write the letter to your parents that you've always wanted to; read brilliant affirmations and quotes; and find out how to throw your own Pride Prom. Learn all about LGBTQ+ culture and the history of gay rights; find out where to seek support and advice in your area; and read Dom's real-life coming-out story. And meet dancing drag queens, rainbow donuts, mermaids and unicorns and the world's sassiest LGBTQ+ dinosaur- Brett the Sassysaurus! Warm, hilarious, caring and insightful, I'm Just Mewill fill every reader with self-esteem, confidence and pride. This isn't just an activity book. It's something you talk to, you come out to, and - most importantly - you see your true self within its rainbow-coloured pages.

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