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Nobody Gets Hurt and Other Lies

di Nicholas Day

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A group of young boys steal a death mask from an antique store and face violent retribution. Inept criminals who dream of a big payday plot to kidnap a child. Four video store clerks venture into a freak Los Angeles snowstorm and discover that not all monsters are special effects. Two sisters convince themselves there's no reason to be afraid of Aunt Alice and her secrets, now that she's dead. An amnesiac suspects that the man who claims to love her may in fact be keeping her a prisoner.From riverside towns in the Midwest and a future Paris above the clouds, to ancient lycanthropes and vindictive pachyderms, this collection of supernatural terrors and heartbreaking reality from award-nominated Nicholas Day, author of Now That We're Alone and At the End of the Day I Burst into Flames, explores identity, addiction, love, and death. Plunge headfirst into fifteen tales of monsters, madness, and all the darkness human hearts can carry. Danger lurks around every corner, every decision a step closer to demise. Everybody gets what's coming to them in the end.But, of course, Nobody Gets Hurt.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente damacabrelibrarian, dmcclung2112
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A group of young boys steal a death mask from an antique store and face violent retribution. Inept criminals who dream of a big payday plot to kidnap a child. Four video store clerks venture into a freak Los Angeles snowstorm and discover that not all monsters are special effects. Two sisters convince themselves there's no reason to be afraid of Aunt Alice and her secrets, now that she's dead. An amnesiac suspects that the man who claims to love her may in fact be keeping her a prisoner.From riverside towns in the Midwest and a future Paris above the clouds, to ancient lycanthropes and vindictive pachyderms, this collection of supernatural terrors and heartbreaking reality from award-nominated Nicholas Day, author of Now That We're Alone and At the End of the Day I Burst into Flames, explores identity, addiction, love, and death. Plunge headfirst into fifteen tales of monsters, madness, and all the darkness human hearts can carry. Danger lurks around every corner, every decision a step closer to demise. Everybody gets what's coming to them in the end.But, of course, Nobody Gets Hurt.

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