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Cruising: An Intimate History of a Radical…
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Cruising: An Intimate History of a Radical Pastime (edizione 2019)

di Alex Espinoza (Autore)

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Acclaimed author Alex Espinoza takes readers on an uncensored journey through the underground, to reveal the timeless art of cruising. Combining historical research and oral history with his own personal experience, Espinoza examines the political and cultural forces behind this radical pastime. From Greek antiquity to the notorious Molly houses of 18th century England, the raucous 1970s to the algorithms of Grindr, Oscar Wilde to George Michael, cruising remains at once a reclamation of public space and the creation of its own unique locale--one in which men of all races and classes interact, even in the shadow of repressive governments.… (altro)
Titolo:Cruising: An Intimate History of a Radical Pastime
Autori:Alex Espinoza (Autore)
Info:The Unnamed Press (2019), 244 pages
Collezioni:In lettura

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Cruising: An Intimate History of a Radical Pastime di Alex Espinoza

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The history of cruising from England in the 1600’s to the current practice is a fascinating discourse on ways in which gay men meet and have sex in public bathrooms, bookstores, and parks. Alex Espinoza explains how this behavior has evolved from the pre 1969 closets era to stonewall gay pride and through the AIDS epidemic. His perspective as a “brown” person gives him a unique vision. He writes that “Latino queers are able to not only challenge the foundational dogmas of religion, family and nationhood inscribed onto the body since birth, but also to dismantle cultural appropriations and racial assumptions by calling attention to their existence.” I know pretty heavy stuff. But his writing clearly documents cruising in all forms along with the differences of the coming out process between white gays and queer people of color. ( )
  GordonPrescottWiener | Aug 24, 2023 |
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Acclaimed author Alex Espinoza takes readers on an uncensored journey through the underground, to reveal the timeless art of cruising. Combining historical research and oral history with his own personal experience, Espinoza examines the political and cultural forces behind this radical pastime. From Greek antiquity to the notorious Molly houses of 18th century England, the raucous 1970s to the algorithms of Grindr, Oscar Wilde to George Michael, cruising remains at once a reclamation of public space and the creation of its own unique locale--one in which men of all races and classes interact, even in the shadow of repressive governments.

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