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DESIRE - Gabby & Daniel (Fettered Book 3)

di Lilia Moon

Serie: Fettered (3)

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6Nessuno2,699,166 (3.5)Nessuno
Gabby's friends know she's getting curious - and there's just no way they're going to leave that alone... Gabby is a sweet, cookie-baking forty-three old receptionist, mother to three grown girls and deeply in love with her two granddaughters. She's never felt the tiniest bit kinky - but the deep happiness in her office is contagious, and it's doing some strange things to her very private daydreams. Ten years ago, Daniel had subs lining up for miles to submit to his inventive skills. These days he's looking for something different - but even he can't imagine a forty-three-year-old grandmother is the answer. Until he meets her... ---------------------- DESIRE is book 3 of the Fettered series. If you haven't read YIELD yet, you're skipping some really good parts. :) xoxo Lilia… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente damechbutterfly, Toeteke, emren
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Gabby's friends know she's getting curious - and there's just no way they're going to leave that alone... Gabby is a sweet, cookie-baking forty-three old receptionist, mother to three grown girls and deeply in love with her two granddaughters. She's never felt the tiniest bit kinky - but the deep happiness in her office is contagious, and it's doing some strange things to her very private daydreams. Ten years ago, Daniel had subs lining up for miles to submit to his inventive skills. These days he's looking for something different - but even he can't imagine a forty-three-year-old grandmother is the answer. Until he meets her... ---------------------- DESIRE is book 3 of the Fettered series. If you haven't read YIELD yet, you're skipping some really good parts. :) xoxo Lilia

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