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In waves di A. J. Dungo
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In waves (edizione 2019)

di A. J. Dungo

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1248227,968 (3.99)3
A tale of love, heartbreak and surfing from an important new voice in comics. In Waves is Craig Thompson's Blankets meets William Finnegan's Barbarian Days.In this visually arresting graphic novel, surfer and illustrator AJ Dungo remembers his late partner, her battle with cancer, and their shared love of surfing that brought them strength throughout their time together. With his passion for surfing uniting many narratives, he intertwines his own story with those of some of the great heroes of surf in a rare work of nonfiction that is as moving as it is fascinating.… (altro)
Titolo:In waves
Autori:A. J. Dungo
Info:London ; New York : No Brow, 2019.
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Da leggere

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In Waves di AJ Dungo

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graphic nonfiction/memoir describing the recent loss of loved one (bone cancer) and her love for surfing, including some history surrounding Duke Kahanamoku and Tom Blake.

superb artwork and storytelling in a moving yet informative graphic memoir. ( )
  reader1009 | Mar 11, 2023 |
A memoir in graphic novel form about a young woman who struggled with bone cancer most of her life and died quite young, as told by her long-time boyfriend. They shared a love of surfing, and Dungo alternates their story with the history of surfing, focusing specifically on two founding fathers of the modern sport, Duke Kahanamoku and Tom Blake.
The memoir is clearly lovingly done and the illustrations are simple and elegant, but the decision to alternate his own story with a surfing history, although it seems on the surface like an interesting idea, didn't really work for me in its execution. The two stories just didn't seem to mesh well enough and the transitions between chapters felt, then, a little too jarring. Still, it's a good memoir and worth a read. ( )
  electrascaife | Oct 3, 2021 |
What a beautiful book. Sobbed my way through it. Read it in one sitting. I'll read it many times again. The illustrations are incredible. ( )
  kenno82 | Dec 28, 2020 |
In this poignant memoir, the author pays tribute to his late girlfriend Kristen, a victim of cancer. The book alternates between brief moments of their short life together and a history of surfing, a sport that Kristen was passionate about and which helped the author through his grief. Hard to keep your eyes dry. ( )
  timtom | Dec 6, 2020 |
The illustrator/author here, looks back on his relationship with his partner, who is dying of cancer and then shares his love of surfing, while also exploring the history of surfing and at it's various heroes. I heard it described as a mash-up of Blankets meets Barbarian Days, which pretty much sums it up. A nice surprise and you may also shed a tear or two. ( )
  msf59 | Dec 8, 2019 |
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I must admit, I am not the most qualified source to teach you about the subject of surfing.
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A tale of love, heartbreak and surfing from an important new voice in comics. In Waves is Craig Thompson's Blankets meets William Finnegan's Barbarian Days.In this visually arresting graphic novel, surfer and illustrator AJ Dungo remembers his late partner, her battle with cancer, and their shared love of surfing that brought them strength throughout their time together. With his passion for surfing uniting many narratives, he intertwines his own story with those of some of the great heroes of surf in a rare work of nonfiction that is as moving as it is fascinating.

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Media: (3.99)
2 3
2.5 1
3 2
3.5 1
4 15
4.5 5
5 7

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