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The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide…
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The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students (edizione 2018)

di Jenny L. Presnell (Autore)

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"In the past, historians could rely on their basic understanding of bibliographic tools to do effective research, as resources were primarily available in print, on microform, or at a library. Today, the information explosion resulting from access to the Internet has complicated traditional research methods by heightening expectations and raising new questions about retrieving, using, and presenting information." "The Information-Literate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach today's history students how to most successfully select and use sources-primary, secondary, and electronic-to carry out and present their research. The book discusses: questions to ask before, during, and after the research process, as well as questions to ask about sources and their authors, search strategies that can be used in both electronic and print indexes, the various types of the sources that are appropriate for specific research questions, how to find and use books, journals, and primary sources quickly and efficiently, and how to select the best ones for a particular topic, the ways in which historians practice their craft and the nature of historical discourse and narrative, methods for finding, using, and evaluating such media as images, speeches, and maps, guidelines for presenting historical research in different formats, including papers, oral presentations, and websites. Written by a college librarian, The Information-Literate Historian is an indispensable reference for historians, students, and others doing history research. Book jacket."--BOOK JACKET.… (altro)
Titolo:The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students
Autori:Jenny L. Presnell (Autore)
Info:Oxford University Press (2018), Edition: 3, 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:historical methods, historical research, historiography, history, information literacy, library science, methodology, non-fiction, reference, research, textbook, writing

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The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students di Jenny L. Presnell

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A very useful introduction to historical research. ( )
  etborg | Mar 21, 2015 |
Good resource for undergraduate students or perhaps graduate students who are woefully unprepared. Nothing "new" for librarians, though it could be a good resource to consult when creating library instruction sessions for history classes, for getting more of the history perspective. Most similar to something like Badke's Research Strategies, only for the history student. (With a lot less helpful hints about HOW to take notes, but then very few books rival Badke on some of those kinds of things) ( )
  YoungGeekyLibrarian | Apr 13, 2012 |
I refer to this book when preparing for my History instruction sessions. It may not be the most elegantly written book, but it's certainly useful! ( )
  solicitouslibrarian | Aug 18, 2009 |
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"In the past, historians could rely on their basic understanding of bibliographic tools to do effective research, as resources were primarily available in print, on microform, or at a library. Today, the information explosion resulting from access to the Internet has complicated traditional research methods by heightening expectations and raising new questions about retrieving, using, and presenting information." "The Information-Literate Historian is the only book specifically designed to teach today's history students how to most successfully select and use sources-primary, secondary, and electronic-to carry out and present their research. The book discusses: questions to ask before, during, and after the research process, as well as questions to ask about sources and their authors, search strategies that can be used in both electronic and print indexes, the various types of the sources that are appropriate for specific research questions, how to find and use books, journals, and primary sources quickly and efficiently, and how to select the best ones for a particular topic, the ways in which historians practice their craft and the nature of historical discourse and narrative, methods for finding, using, and evaluating such media as images, speeches, and maps, guidelines for presenting historical research in different formats, including papers, oral presentations, and websites. Written by a college librarian, The Information-Literate Historian is an indispensable reference for historians, students, and others doing history research. Book jacket."--BOOK JACKET.

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