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Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change…
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Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything (edizione 2020)

di BJ Fogg Ph.D (Autore)

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Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

New York Times Bestseller | A habit expert from Stanford University shares his breakthrough method for building habits quickly and easily. With Tiny Habits you'll increase productivity by tapping into positive emotions to create a happier and healthier life. Dr. Fogg's new and extremely practical method picks up where Atomic Habits left off.

"There are many great books on the topic [of habits]: The Power of Habit, Atomic Habits, but this offers the most comprehensive, practical, simple, and compassionate method I've ever come across." John Stepper, Goodreads user

BJ FOGG is here to change your lifeand revolutionize how we think about human behavior. Based on twenty years of research and Fogg's experience coaching more than 40,000 people, Tiny Habits cracks the code of habit formation. With breakthrough discoveries in every chapter, you'll learn the simplest proven ways to transform your life. Fogg shows you how to feel good about your successes instead of bad about your failures.

This proven, step-by-step guide will help you design habits and make them stick through positive emotion and celebrating small successes. Whether you want to lose weight, de-stress, sleep better, or be more productive each day, Tiny Habits makes it easy to achieveby starting small.

… (altro)
Titolo:Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything
Autori:BJ Fogg Ph.D (Autore)
Info:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2019), Edition: Illustrated, 320 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri

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Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything di BJ Fogg

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The introduction was very clear, understandable, and I felt like I could do it. Then he got into details and it is more than I wanted. A person who needs tiny habits in order to get going probably isn’t up to wading through 300 pages. I also would rather have a pamphlet than a 300 page book. Fortunately, the appendixes are more along the lines of the pamphlet that I wanted.

Make the habit so simple that it is really easy to do.
For example. Floss one tooth.
Beware: Do not increase the goal. Keep it really simple to achieve the habit goal.

A few notes from the book:

Factors in making a habit successful:

Start with writing down a swarm of B’s - Behaviors that (could produce) the desired outcome. Then choose some. (He gives a method for choosing.)

Anchor prompts are the most effective prompts to do the tiny action: After I.... I will ...

Definition: Shine: The good feeling you get after a success. He advises celebrating success.

* Introduction
1. The elements of behavior
2. Motivation - focus on matching
3. Ability - easy does it
4. Prompts - the power of after
5. Emotions create habits
6. Growing your habits ...
7. Untangling bad habits: ...
8. How we change together
9. The small changes that change everything
* Acknowledgments
* Appendixes
* Three hundred recipes for tiny habits ...
* About the author

I bought this book because when I heard it described in an Art of Manliness interview I was impressed with the simplicity of his method. ( )
  bread2u | May 15, 2024 |
As another reader-reviewer wrote, this book is fine. I realized about halfway through that I'd already read this a couple years back. It's similar to Atomic Habits and a few others that take a micro step approach to making (or breaking) habits. It's very accessible and concrete behavioral change that's easy to incorporate into daily practice and adapt. I liked the idea of small 'recipes' even if I found the idea familiar.

As with a lot of books like this that are teaching a framework for behavioral change, this can get repetitive. In good news, it's easy to quickly glean the kernels you need.

The small win approach that Tiny Habits takes is worth a try for those who have trouble getting a habit change to stick. ( )
  angiestahl | May 2, 2024 |
This book was fine. Plenty of good information and tactics for creating new habits. I think it just wasn't exactly what I needed, so I started skimming towards the end. I'm sure if you want to shape your life a specific way (or use Behavior Design (TM)) then this book and Fogg's teachings would benefit you greatly. I've long been a fan of taking small, easy, repetitive steps to get into a habit of something; so his guidance does resonate with me that way.

The hardest time I had with this book were the real-world examples. Normally I learn very well by reading a concept then putting it into practice. The many stories of people Fogg has helped peppered throughout the book felt more like filler in a lot of places. Like he needed to hit a page count, so he drew from his vast pool of over 40,000 people he's helped through research and coaching. I'm not knocking the knowledge or expertise at all in this book. It's there for you and laid out very well. I just think it didn't resonate well with me right now. Who knows, maybe I'll pick it up again in a couple years and think differently. ( )
  teejayhanton | Mar 22, 2024 |
I wrote about Tiny Habits in 2011 before this book came out

"Grand resolutions vs tiny habits" emphasizes that Tiny Habits is not about accomplishing
enormous start-of-year ambitious tasks, but instead looks to teach you to change
small things about your routines. Of course a series of small changes can have
outsized impact over time! It's just a question of starting somewhere attainable.

I am also reminded of Karl Weick's "Small Wins" (1984):

"A small win is a concrete, complete outcome of moderate importance. By itself, one small win may seem unimportant. A series of small wins at small but significant tasks, however, reveals a pattern that may attract allies, deter opponents, and lower resistance to subsequent proposals. A series of small wins is also more structurally sound than a large win because small wins are stable building blocks. Small wins are controllable opportunities that produce visible results. Once a small win has been accomplished, forces are set in motion that favor another small win. When a solution is put into place, the next solvable problem often becomes more visible. Additional resources flow toward winners, which means that slightly larger wins can be attempted." ( )
  superpatron | Jan 1, 2024 |
It seems such a ridiculous concept, making habits tiny, as tiny as doing two pushups, and tying that to another already existing habit- like, after I brush my teeth, I’ll do two push ups, but this book is filled with excellent, do-able steps to changing your life.
I’ve lived with depression for years, and one thing that has taught me is to set tiny goals for things, succeed at them, and feel better. Then, once you feel better, you can stretch the goal, or add another one.
This book was a good reminder of what I’d learned. In addition to discussion about how to start healthy habits, the author also takes you through a cloud-based problem solving technique where you brainstorm solutions and then sort them into piles according to how likely you are to do them, how difficult they are, etc. It’s a great way to figure out how to game your way into the behaviours you want.
The last part of the book is about reducing “bad” behaviours that have become habits. All good stuff, an easy read, and a plan that is actually something that might work.
I’m off to set up some healthier habits. I recommend this book if you are feeling stuck or just tired of trying. I feel perked right up to know I only need to eat one more vegetable a day….;-) ( )
  Dabble58 | Nov 11, 2023 |
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Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

New York Times Bestseller | A habit expert from Stanford University shares his breakthrough method for building habits quickly and easily. With Tiny Habits you'll increase productivity by tapping into positive emotions to create a happier and healthier life. Dr. Fogg's new and extremely practical method picks up where Atomic Habits left off.

"There are many great books on the topic [of habits]: The Power of Habit, Atomic Habits, but this offers the most comprehensive, practical, simple, and compassionate method I've ever come across." John Stepper, Goodreads user

BJ FOGG is here to change your lifeand revolutionize how we think about human behavior. Based on twenty years of research and Fogg's experience coaching more than 40,000 people, Tiny Habits cracks the code of habit formation. With breakthrough discoveries in every chapter, you'll learn the simplest proven ways to transform your life. Fogg shows you how to feel good about your successes instead of bad about your failures.

This proven, step-by-step guide will help you design habits and make them stick through positive emotion and celebrating small successes. Whether you want to lose weight, de-stress, sleep better, or be more productive each day, Tiny Habits makes it easy to achieveby starting small.


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