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False Allegations: A Burke Novel di Andrew…
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False Allegations: A Burke Novel (originale 1996; edizione 1997)

di Andrew Vachss (Autore)

Serie: Burke (9)

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353575,950 (3.64)1
Burke, ex-con, mercenary, and rumored hit man, makes his living by preying on New York's most vicious predators and occasionally avenging their innocent victims. But in Andrew Vachss's mercilessly suspenseful new novel, Burke fnds himself working the other side of the street, where guilt and innocence are as disposable as the sheets in a Times Square hotel . . . and as dirty. Burke's new employer is Kite, a fanatical crusader who specializes in debunking "false allegations" of child sexual abuse. Kite has a case that may be the real thing, but needs Burke to tell him if it is. And if mere money can't persuade Burke to cooperate, Kite has plenty of other incentives at his disposal, including an over-zealous bodyguard with a taste for corsets and brass knuckles. A tour guide to hell written in icy prose, False Allegations is Vachss at his most unnerving. "Burke is the toughest talking frst-person narrator since Mike Hammer." -- Los Angeles Times "Vachss . . . writes hypnotically violent prose." -- Chicago Sun-Times… (altro)
Titolo:False Allegations: A Burke Novel
Autori:Andrew Vachss (Autore)
Info:Vintage Crime/Black Lizard (1997), Edition: Vintage CrimeBlack Lizard Ed, 240 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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False Allegations di Andrew Vachss (Author) (1996)

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#1103 in our old book database. Not rated.
  villemezbrown | Jul 10, 2024 |
While I personally found the insight into the practice -- and abuse -- of law fascinating, this is probably the slowest, least action filled Burke book ever, and is really only for folks who are going on the journey with the character, as opposed to just reading the books for enjoyment.

I'm here for the ride through Burke's mad world, till the end--the character and the books and what they're about are all important to me. But the casual reader, someone who isn't so invested? Yeah, this is probably going to be a snoozer. It was very slow, if psychologically fascinating. Not Vachss' best work by far. ( )
  crowsandprose | May 15, 2024 |
I thought this could have been a very good story but Vachss writing style was not up to his past standards here.
The dialog, which is usually some of the best parts of the Burke books, had far too many unfinished sentences often confusing the situation being discussed.
The ending was also the weakest so far in the Burke series.
Hoping this was just a 'bad-day' for Vachss. ( )
  Rockhead515 | Dec 22, 2022 |
In this, the ninth book of the Burke series, he is skillfully ensnared to work for an albino lawyer named Kite, who wants Burke to determine whether Kite's client is telling the truth about her sexual abuse by a minister when she was just a child. Kite is seeking validation of his own methods by someone with a vastly different approach to identifying and punishing predators.

Unfortunately, this one was terrible, and for anyone reading the series in order, I recommend moving from #8 to #10 and skipping this book. Why? It's too preachy, and wanders into a massive amount of social science and psychobabble. Terribly boring.
( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
Burke is asked to prove a recovered memory case
  ritaer | Jun 5, 2021 |
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Vachss, AndrewAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Lai, Chin-YeeProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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for Ken Saro-Wiwa

a warrior, murdered by jackals
whose voice, unstilled
scars their dishonor into our souls
marking our path
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Burke, ex-con, mercenary, and rumored hit man, makes his living by preying on New York's most vicious predators and occasionally avenging their innocent victims. But in Andrew Vachss's mercilessly suspenseful new novel, Burke fnds himself working the other side of the street, where guilt and innocence are as disposable as the sheets in a Times Square hotel . . . and as dirty. Burke's new employer is Kite, a fanatical crusader who specializes in debunking "false allegations" of child sexual abuse. Kite has a case that may be the real thing, but needs Burke to tell him if it is. And if mere money can't persuade Burke to cooperate, Kite has plenty of other incentives at his disposal, including an over-zealous bodyguard with a taste for corsets and brass knuckles. A tour guide to hell written in icy prose, False Allegations is Vachss at his most unnerving. "Burke is the toughest talking frst-person narrator since Mike Hammer." -- Los Angeles Times "Vachss . . . writes hypnotically violent prose." -- Chicago Sun-Times

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Andrew Vachss è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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5 10


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