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Multiple Sclerosis: On the path from cause…
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Multiple Sclerosis: On the path from cause to cure (edizione 2016)

di Susan A Norberg (Autore)

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Judge Commentaryof the24th Annual Writers Digest Self published Book AwardsThis straightforward narrative is both candid and informative. The author shares in plain detail her journey with the disease. In fact, some of the most startling information comes from the simple, subtle clues her body began to give that she had what later turned out to be MS. The narrative doesn't skip any key points, and it anticipates questions the reader might ask along the way. The authors discovery of support and improvement through alternative medicine, including herbal remedies, gives the narrative a distinctive positive tone. She also discusses how she used meditation, prayer, exercise, diet, psychic readings, and stress relief techniques to improve her quality of life and extend the doctor's predicted 20 years to 26 years and counting. With a sprinkling of humor, the author convinces the reader of her authentic experience by sharing the facts with little embellishment. This slim volume concludes with a list of suggestions of how someone suffering a similar diagnosis might improve their life physically, emotionally and spiritually.… (altro)
Titolo:Multiple Sclerosis: On the path from cause to cure
Autori:Susan A Norberg (Autore)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2016), 80 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:to-read, goodreads-winning, owned

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Multiple Sclerosis: On the path from cause to cure di Susan A Norberg

Aggiunto di recente daMystryssCrymsyn
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Judge Commentaryof the24th Annual Writers Digest Self published Book AwardsThis straightforward narrative is both candid and informative. The author shares in plain detail her journey with the disease. In fact, some of the most startling information comes from the simple, subtle clues her body began to give that she had what later turned out to be MS. The narrative doesn't skip any key points, and it anticipates questions the reader might ask along the way. The authors discovery of support and improvement through alternative medicine, including herbal remedies, gives the narrative a distinctive positive tone. She also discusses how she used meditation, prayer, exercise, diet, psychic readings, and stress relief techniques to improve her quality of life and extend the doctor's predicted 20 years to 26 years and counting. With a sprinkling of humor, the author convinces the reader of her authentic experience by sharing the facts with little embellishment. This slim volume concludes with a list of suggestions of how someone suffering a similar diagnosis might improve their life physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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