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Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better,…
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Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool (edizione 2020)

di Emily Oster (Autore)

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3861268,575 (3.79)6
Business. Family & Relationships. Reference. Nonfiction. HTML:From the author of EXPECTING BETTER, an economist's guide to the early years of parenting
With Expecting Better, award-winning economist Emily Oster spotted a need in the pregnancy market for advice that gave women the information they needed to make the best decision for their own pregnancies. By digging into the data, Oster found that much of the conventional pregnancy wisdom was wrong. In Cribsheet, she now tackles an even great challenge: decision making in the early years of parenting. 
As any new parent knows, there is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at you from doctors, family, friends, and the internet. From the earliest days, parents get the message that they must make certain choices around feeding, sleep, and schedule or all will be lost. There's a ruleâ??or threeâ??for everything. But the benefits of these choices can be overstated, and the tradeoffs can be profound. How do you make your own best decision? 
Armed with the data, Oster finds that the conventional wisdom doesn't always hold up. She debunks myths around breastfeeding (not a panacea), sleep training (not so bad!), potty training (wait until they're ready or possibly bribe with M&Ms), language acquisition (early talkers aren't necessarily geniuses), and many other topics. She also shows parents how to think through freighted questions like if and how to go back to work, how to think about toddler discipline, and how to have a relationship and parent at the same time. 
Economics is the science of decision-making, and CRIBSHEET is a thinking parent's guide to the chaos and frequent misinformation of the early years. Emily Oster is a trained expertâ??and mom of twoâ??who can empower us to make better, less fraught decisionsâ??and stay sane in the years before preschool.
*Includes a Bonus PDF
… (altro)
Titolo:Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool
Autori:Emily Oster (Autore)
Info:Souvenir Press (2020), Edition: Main, 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool (The ParentData Series) di Emily Oster

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» Vedi le 6 citazioni

As a former academic (I mean, do I consider myself one because I attended grad school but then never got a job in it beyond assistantships? idk), I find Oster's books reassuring for pregnancy/parental anxiety in terms of, "here's what the literature does/doesn't say and what quality level is this research anyway", though the conclusion she reaches is usually, "but also, do what feels right for your family"

Some overlap with [b:Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom is Wrong - and What You Really Need to Know|16158576|Expecting Better Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom is Wrong - and What You Really Need to Know|Emily Oster||21998992] unsurprisingly, but goes into a wide array of parental concerns from language acquisition to toilet training, and then postpartum concerns for the birthing parent and the relationship changes between new parents.

I'll check out [b:The Family Firm: A Data-Driven Guide to Better Decision Making in the Early School Years|55997402|The Family Firm A Data-Driven Guide to Better Decision Making in the Early School Years|Emily Oster||87227302] later when it's closer to time. ( )
  Daumari | Dec 28, 2023 |
Good, but less impactful than Expecting Better - maybe because the overall quality is the data is worse after birth. ( )
  mmparker | Oct 24, 2023 |
Pretty similar to Expecting Better, however slightly different topics covered. Oster continues to do a great job of giving readers the data, interpreting it the best way she can, and letting the reader make a judgement call armed with the information. ( )
  Andjhostet | Jul 4, 2023 |
Another informative read this time looking at the statistics and studies for post-birth. Not as much concrete stuff as kids get older, but that's not surprising! ( )
  MandyPS | May 13, 2023 |
Limited evidence on a lot of things but it's good to know where there is evidence and where there is not. A lot of this I guessed when I was raising my own children. Hopefully this is just the beginning of better quality information to base recommendations on ( )
  drmom62 | Apr 21, 2023 |
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Business. Family & Relationships. Reference. Nonfiction. HTML:From the author of EXPECTING BETTER, an economist's guide to the early years of parenting
With Expecting Better, award-winning economist Emily Oster spotted a need in the pregnancy market for advice that gave women the information they needed to make the best decision for their own pregnancies. By digging into the data, Oster found that much of the conventional pregnancy wisdom was wrong. In Cribsheet, she now tackles an even great challenge: decision making in the early years of parenting. 
As any new parent knows, there is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at you from doctors, family, friends, and the internet. From the earliest days, parents get the message that they must make certain choices around feeding, sleep, and schedule or all will be lost. There's a ruleâ??or threeâ??for everything. But the benefits of these choices can be overstated, and the tradeoffs can be profound. How do you make your own best decision? 
Armed with the data, Oster finds that the conventional wisdom doesn't always hold up. She debunks myths around breastfeeding (not a panacea), sleep training (not so bad!), potty training (wait until they're ready or possibly bribe with M&Ms), language acquisition (early talkers aren't necessarily geniuses), and many other topics. She also shows parents how to think through freighted questions like if and how to go back to work, how to think about toddler discipline, and how to have a relationship and parent at the same time. 
Economics is the science of decision-making, and CRIBSHEET is a thinking parent's guide to the chaos and frequent misinformation of the early years. Emily Oster is a trained expertâ??and mom of twoâ??who can empower us to make better, less fraught decisionsâ??and stay sane in the years before preschool.
*Includes a Bonus PDF

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