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The Intern: An Orphan X Short Story di Gregg…
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The Intern: An Orphan X Short Story (edizione 2018)

di Gregg Hurwitz (Autore), Scott Brick (Narratore)

Serie: Orphan X (3.5)

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752366,648 (3.67)Nessuno
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

The Nowhere Man is a figure shrouded in secrecy—a near legendary figure who helps the truly desperate, those with nowhere else to turn who are lucky enough to be able to reach out to him. When darkness closes in, the Nowhere Man is your last, best hope.
/> Before he was the Nowhere Man, Evan Smoak was a highly trained government operative known to a few as Orphan X. But he now lives by hiding in plain sight, keeping his head down and his eyes clear. So when a local summer intern for a tabloid news site finds herself trailing an aggressive reporter into a crime zone, things go terribly awry. The only person who can help her is a man with the background and the skills of the Nowhere Man.
From New York Times bestselling author Gregg Hurwitz comes an electrifying, original story in his "nerve-shredding" internationally #1 bestsellling Orphan X series.
Also contains an extended excerpt from the Orphan X thriller—Out of the Dark.

.… (altro)
Titolo:The Intern: An Orphan X Short Story
Autori:Gregg Hurwitz (Autore)
Altri autori:Scott Brick (Narratore)
Info:Brilliance Audio (2018)
Etichette:Crime, Thriller (Political), Assassin, Short Stories, Mental Illness (OCD), Audio

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The Intern di Gregg Hurwitz

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Pitiful excuse for a story. A 16-page story about a inexperienced male reporter dragging a young female intern into a dangerous situation, where he runs off. Miraculously and inexplicably, she is saved by Orphan X . Obvious what was omitted, I'm sure. Really should be 0 stars. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
And I am 2 for 2. Don't waste your money. The story is 16 pages of the implied 83. There is an estimated read time of over an hour. What?! How slowly do they think I read?
  whybehave2002 | Oct 14, 2020 |
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Gregg Hurwitzautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Brick, ScottNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Orphan X (3.5)
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They say this is the last place anyone saw him, Lucas said.
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

The Nowhere Man is a figure shrouded in secrecy—a near legendary figure who helps the truly desperate, those with nowhere else to turn who are lucky enough to be able to reach out to him. When darkness closes in, the Nowhere Man is your last, best hope.
Before he was the Nowhere Man, Evan Smoak was a highly trained government operative known to a few as Orphan X. But he now lives by hiding in plain sight, keeping his head down and his eyes clear. So when a local summer intern for a tabloid news site finds herself trailing an aggressive reporter into a crime zone, things go terribly awry. The only person who can help her is a man with the background and the skills of the Nowhere Man.
From New York Times bestselling author Gregg Hurwitz comes an electrifying, original story in his "nerve-shredding" internationally #1 bestsellling Orphan X series.
Also contains an extended excerpt from the Orphan X thriller—Out of the Dark.


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Media: (3.67)
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