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BEASTARS, Vol. 1 (1) di Paru Itagaki
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BEASTARS, Vol. 1 (1) (edizione 2019)

di Paru Itagaki (Autore)

Serie: Beastars (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
368972,450 (3.9)4
"At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, it's personal relationships that maintain the fragile peace. Who among them is a Beastar an academic and social role model destined to become a leader in a society naturally rife with mistrust? Last night at Cherryton Academy, an herbivore student was killed and eaten. Among the members of the drama club, the herbivores' suspicions naturally turn to their carnivore classmates... The prime suspect? Legosi, a large wolf. But he wouldn't hurt a fly--or would he? And will dwarf rabbit Haru bring out the beast in him? Or are his feelings for her...something else?"--Back cover.… (altro)
Titolo:BEASTARS, Vol. 1 (1)
Autori:Paru Itagaki (Autore)
Info:VIZ Media LLC (2019), 216 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Lista dei desideri, In lettura, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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Beastars Vol. 0.1 Excerpt 1 di Paru Itagaki

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» Vedi le 4 citazioni

Meh. Weird (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), but also not very well written (probably not a good thing). So I won’t continue with this one. ( )
  electrascaife | Sep 4, 2023 |
man...... i kinda like it ( )
  mirandoid | May 6, 2023 |
Interesting premise. Looking forward to reading the future volumes. Not a ton happens in this first one, making me think this is going to be a long haul situation. Feels a bit like zootopia, but with more animalistic character attitude. ( )
  Theriq | Apr 20, 2022 |
After watching the first couple of episodes of the anime adaptation of this series I decided I had to check out the original manga.

Volume One does not disappoint. The art is a little rough/sketchy but it works. The story is essentially the same as the anime, but I prefer the order of telling in the manga. Scenes seem to flow more smoothly here.

Characters are distinctive and fun and there is darkness afoot, far more than the family-friendly cover art suggests.

Four BEASTARS. Recommended! ( )
1 vota anxovert | Jun 14, 2021 |
Its very Zootopia-esque. Or a more wholesome Bojack Horseman. Beastars came out, what, a few months after Zootopia? I could see the movie as an inspiration, given the speed with which manga artists must work in general.

It always interesting to see a good twist on a slice-of-life novel. I don't know how good of a twist it is as a lot of the potential problems are handwaved away - such as obligate carnivores being fed beans as their primary source of protein and no meat. It...doesn't work that way, and there are a few darker, more realistic, and more interesting ways to address this issue.

Not a terrible opening, some really good blocking. Seems like the artist team struggles to stay on-model for some characters, and I'm not entirely certain any of them have seen a horse. ( )
  kaitlynn_g | Dec 13, 2020 |
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Contents: Chapters 1-7
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"At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, it's personal relationships that maintain the fragile peace. Who among them is a Beastar an academic and social role model destined to become a leader in a society naturally rife with mistrust? Last night at Cherryton Academy, an herbivore student was killed and eaten. Among the members of the drama club, the herbivores' suspicions naturally turn to their carnivore classmates... The prime suspect? Legosi, a large wolf. But he wouldn't hurt a fly--or would he? And will dwarf rabbit Haru bring out the beast in him? Or are his feelings for her...something else?"--Back cover.

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Media: (3.9)
2 1
2.5 1
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3.5 2
4 18
5 12

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