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Barron's ACT English, Reading, and Writing Workbook, 3rd Edition

di Linda Carnevale M.A.

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This updated workbook provides college-bound students with extensive practice and review in all three verbal sections across all four reading genres of the ACT. The introduction clearly explains the format and timing for the ACT's English Test, Reading Test, and Writing Test. A full-length self-assessment test follows with an answer key and thorough explanations to help students assess their strengths and weaknesses. Additional features include: Coaching, study and timing tips, and plenty of practice exercises Quick drills and sensible test-taking strategies A full-length practice test with detailed answers and explanations Students can use this workbook to learn and review the conventions of English grammar, punctuation, and style, as well as sharpen their evidence-based reading comprehension with practice passages in the Humanities, Natural Science, Prose Fiction, and Social Science. They can also hone their essay-writing skills, guided by the author's instruction in tackling the ACT essay, timing plans, and answering the essay prompt thoroughly and effectively.… (altro)

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This updated workbook provides college-bound students with extensive practice and review in all three verbal sections across all four reading genres of the ACT. The introduction clearly explains the format and timing for the ACT's English Test, Reading Test, and Writing Test. A full-length self-assessment test follows with an answer key and thorough explanations to help students assess their strengths and weaknesses. Additional features include: Coaching, study and timing tips, and plenty of practice exercises Quick drills and sensible test-taking strategies A full-length practice test with detailed answers and explanations Students can use this workbook to learn and review the conventions of English grammar, punctuation, and style, as well as sharpen their evidence-based reading comprehension with practice passages in the Humanities, Natural Science, Prose Fiction, and Social Science. They can also hone their essay-writing skills, guided by the author's instruction in tackling the ACT essay, timing plans, and answering the essay prompt thoroughly and effectively.

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