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Symptoms of a Heartbreak di Sona Charaipotra
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Symptoms of a Heartbreak (edizione 2019)

di Sona Charaipotra (Autore)

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1141247,043 (3.43)1
The youngest doctor in America, an Indian-American teen makes her rounds -- and falls head over heels -- in the contemporary romantic comedy Symptoms of a Heartbreak. Fresh from med school, sixteen-year-old medical prodigy Saira arrives for her first day at her new job: treating children with cancer. She's always had to balance family and friendships with her celebrity as the Girl Genius -- but she's never had to prove herself to skeptical adult co-workers while adjusting to real life-and-death stakes. And working in the same hospital as her mother certainly isn't making things any easier. But life gets complicated when Saira finds herself falling in love with a patient: a cute teen boy who's been diagnosed with cancer. And when she risks her brand new career to try to improve his chances, it could cost her everything. It turns out "heartbreak" is the one thing she still doesn't know how to treat.… (altro)
Titolo:Symptoms of a Heartbreak
Autori:Sona Charaipotra (Autore)
Info:Imprint (2019), 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Book Of The Month

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Symptoms of a Heartbreak di Sona Charaipotra

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Literary Merit: Good
Characterization: Good
Recommended: yes
Level: High School or above

Fans of Grey’s Anatomy would enjoy this book. Teens that enjoy medical realistic fiction would enjoy this book.

Dr. Girl Genius, Saira Sehgal, was a powerful female protagonist. At sixteen years old, she started a pediatric oncology internship. She dealt with doubts and criticism from staff, patients, patient’s family and herself. She demonstrated how, even at a young age you can advocate for yourself respectfully. ( )
  SWONroyal | Mar 8, 2020 |
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The youngest doctor in America, an Indian-American teen makes her rounds -- and falls head over heels -- in the contemporary romantic comedy Symptoms of a Heartbreak. Fresh from med school, sixteen-year-old medical prodigy Saira arrives for her first day at her new job: treating children with cancer. She's always had to balance family and friendships with her celebrity as the Girl Genius -- but she's never had to prove herself to skeptical adult co-workers while adjusting to real life-and-death stakes. And working in the same hospital as her mother certainly isn't making things any easier. But life gets complicated when Saira finds herself falling in love with a patient: a cute teen boy who's been diagnosed with cancer. And when she risks her brand new career to try to improve his chances, it could cost her everything. It turns out "heartbreak" is the one thing she still doesn't know how to treat.

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