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Sto caricando le informazioni... Canto di Salomone (1977)di Toni Morrison
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This is not the edition I read. This is the last I will read of Toni Morrison for a while. I still am not in to magic realism and surrealism. It is important for me to read that many people of color are always aware that they are not respected in this society. They know their history and that they were not considered whole members of society. This can lead to great self-hate, hatred of other people of color, and hatred of whites, especially the elites. This is still a relevant book, unfortunately. Sublime. Took me a chapter to get into it, but after that it was really compelling. The life of a boy that grows to be a feckless man, discovering his roots, and maybe some introspection. But that doesn't do the depth, the clever (but not too clever) plotting, the beautiful depictions of characters, the political heft... Left me in awe of Toni Morrison's craft. È contenuto inHa come commento al testoHa come guida per lo studentePremi e riconoscimentiMenzioniElenchi di rilievo
Milkman Dead was born shortly after a neighborhood eccentric hurled himself off a rooftop in a vain attempt at flight. For the rest of his life he, too, will be trying to fly. With this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison transfigures the coming-of-age story as audaciously as Saul Bellow or Gabriel García Márquez. As she follows Milkman from his rustbelt city to the place of his family's origins, Morrison introduces an entire cast of strivers and seeresses, liars and assassins, the inhabitants of a fully realized black world. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999Classificazione LCVotoMedia:
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Each and every character is credible. Their motivations are complete and understandable. The story moves quickly even though new situations and characters are frequently introduced.
The crux of the story is that a young man from a US city in the north is trying to find out who he is. No one around him seems to know who they are either. The mystery, something that I think is common in many families, especially Black families, leads him to different philosophies and geographies.
This is the first of Morrison's books that I have read. I have been saving them "for a rainy day" for far too long. I am looking forward to jumping into her work. ( )