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Pumpkinheads di Rainbow Rowell
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Pumpkinheads (edizione 2019)

di Rainbow Rowell (Autore), Faith Erin Hicks (Illustratore), Sarah Stern (Collaboratore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,29810015,387 (4.02)65
Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends. Every autumn, all through high school, they've worked together at the world's best pumpkin patch. They say good-bye every Halloween, and they're reunited every September 1. But this Halloween is different. Josiah and Deja are finally seniors. It's their last season at the Patch, their last shift together -- their last good-bye. Josie's ready to spend the whole night feeling melancholy about it. (He's the melancholy type.) But Deja has a plan: What if, instead of moping and instead of the usual -- slinging lima beans down at the Succotash Hut -- they went out with a bang? They could see all the sights! Taste all the snacks! Maybe Josie could even talk to that cute girl he's been mooning over for three years... What if their last shift was an adventure?… (altro)
Autori:Rainbow Rowell (Autore)
Altri autori:Faith Erin Hicks (Illustratore), Sarah Stern (Collaboratore)
Info:First Second (2019), Edition: Illustrated, 224 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere
Etichette:adventure-and-action, comics, have, lgbt, paper, romance, ya

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Pumpkinheads di Rainbow Rowell

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I wasn’t a fan of Pumpkin Heads for multiple reasons, but before I start talking about why I didn’t like it, I’ll go through what I liked.

The art style was very cute, and I was a fan of the colours used, it felt cosy, I also loved how autumnal it was, autumn is my favourite season, and there aren’t many books set in this season, so this book was a nice change.Now that I said what I liked, I’ll go through my problems with it.

It was just boring, and the story was pointless. The main characters didn’t learn anything, there was no message, nothing. The book also felt way too long for what it was, it really dragged on. It felt like this comic was made for the sake of making a comic.

The entirety of the book is Josiah (the boy) and Deja (the girl) chasing after this girl Josiah has a crush on, so Josiah can ask her out. At the end of the book Josiah finds the girl and talks to her. Josiah then realises that he doesn’t like her, and guess why Josiah doesn’t like her? After three years of having a big crush on this girl (the book states that it’s been three years and that he is always talking about her, despite never talking to her), he suddenly dislikes her because she only works at the patch so she can talk to her friends. Yes, she is so bad for working someone so she can see her friends. They could have made her very rude to Josiah, but no, this is what they chose.

Then the ending, after realising that the girl wasn’t nice (even though she did nothing wrong), Josiah goes and tells Deja that he no longer likes the girl. Then Deja reveals that she always had a crush on Josiah, and then the two get together. My problem with this ending is that Josiah didn’t have any interest in Deja, he was spending the whole book chasing after a different girl, and when it didn’t work out, he decided to go with Deja. It’s the equivalent of Josiah walking up to Deja and saying, “So it didn’t work out with this other chick, so I guess I’m stuck with you now.”, it just feels like Rainbow Rowell didn’t know how to end the book, and just went with something quick and easy.

One thing I thought was odd, is how it has a very good rating on Good Reads, this shocked me, as most people on Good Reads will only review books if it was terrible, so people must have really loved this book. I think it’s because it’s very easy to read, and the incredibly simple story makes it marketable to almost everyone. So, whilst I disliked this book, most people give it five or four stars, so you may like it, like most of the time I’m in the minority.

Now to end this review, I’ll just make this clear: I don’t hate Pumpkin Heads, I just think that it was a very pointless and unnecessary book, which had potential to be a good and funny book about working at a pumpkin patch. ( )
  CoffeeAndRamune | Jul 9, 2024 |
This is the perfect graphic novel for anyone who loves all things fall. The story is cute and light; mixed with a little bit of apprehension as the two main characters sort out their feelings about going away to college and themselves and each other. ( )
  jenkies720 | Jun 7, 2024 |
Fun and adorable ( )
  tootall77hc | May 9, 2024 |
Cute! I loved the style. ( )
  libraryofemma | Apr 18, 2024 |
My favorite parts about this were the beautiful autumnal colors and the overall atmosphere of the pumpkin patch! I used to work at a pumpkin patch/orchard, and the book really nailed it in that respect! Also, all those fall foods made me super hungry - they looked sooo yummy.
The plot was very middle of the road for me: it was cute, but insanely predictable. I can't help but wish there was something MORE to it! I liked the characters; however, they got put in a uber basic storyline that offers no surprises or anything particularly original. The art and atmosphere were just so vibrant that the plot just pales in comparison.
Either way, "Pumpkinheads" is a great pick (lol) for an autumn weekend read! It's fluffy and fun and I think a lot of people will enjoy it. ( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (3 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Rainbow Rowellautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Hicks, Faith ErinIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Brill, CalistaA cura diautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Johanson, MollyDesignerautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Lamb, BradenImmagine di copertinaautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Paroline, ShelliImmagine di copertinaautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Savos, SammyIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Stark, RachelA cura diautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Stern, SarahIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Uvick, KIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends. Every autumn, all through high school, they've worked together at the world's best pumpkin patch. They say good-bye every Halloween, and they're reunited every September 1. But this Halloween is different. Josiah and Deja are finally seniors. It's their last season at the Patch, their last shift together -- their last good-bye. Josie's ready to spend the whole night feeling melancholy about it. (He's the melancholy type.) But Deja has a plan: What if, instead of moping and instead of the usual -- slinging lima beans down at the Succotash Hut -- they went out with a bang? They could see all the sights! Taste all the snacks! Maybe Josie could even talk to that cute girl he's been mooning over for three years... What if their last shift was an adventure?

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