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Acid for the Children: A Memoir di Flea
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Acid for the Children: A Memoir (edizione 2019)

di Flea (Autore), Patti Smith (Prefazione)

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390966,773 (3.73)5
Biography & Autobiography. Music. Nonfiction. HTML:The iconic bassist and co-founder of the Red Hot Chili Peppers tells his fascinating origin story, complete with all the dizzying highs and the gutter lows you'd want from an LA street rat turned world famous rock star.In Acid for the Children, Flea takes readers on a deeply personal and revealing tour of his formative years, spanning from Australia to the New York City suburbs to, finally, Los Angeles. Through hilarious anecdotes, poetical meditations, and occasional flights of fantasy, Flea deftly chronicles the experiences that forged him as an artist, a musician, and a young man. His dreamy, jazz-inflected prose makes the Los Angeles of the 1970s and 80s come to gritty, glorious life, including the potential for fun, danger, mayhem, or inspiration that lurked around every corner. It is here that young Flea, looking to escape a turbulent home, found family in a community of musicians, artists, and junkies who also lived on the fringe. He spent most of his time partying and committing petty crimes. But it was in music where he found a higher meaning, a place to channel his frustration, loneliness, and love. This left him open to the life-changing moment when he and his best friends, soul brothers, and partners-in-mischief came up with the idea to start their own band, which became the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Acid for the Children is the debut of a stunning new literary voice, whose prose is as witty, entertaining, and wildly unpredictable as the author himself. It's a tenderly evocative coming-of-age story and a raucous love letter to the power of music and creativity from one of the most renowned musicians of our time.… (altro)
Titolo:Acid for the Children: A Memoir
Autori:Flea (Autore)
Altri autori:Patti Smith (Prefazione)
Info:Grand Central Publishing (2019), Edition: Illustrated, 400 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Acid for the Children: A Memoir di Flea

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» Vedi le 5 citazioni

I feel like you have to be a hardcore Flea fan (not necessarily a RHCP fan), or thoroughly enjoy learning things you can’t unlearn to genuinely enjoy this book. Had no feelings in either direction on the first count, and know where I stand in the second. So ya. This wasn’t for me. ( )
  ilkjen | Nov 9, 2023 |
I'm actually not a Red Hot Chili Peppers fanatic so came to this as a reluctant reader. The book recounts Flea's (RHCP bassist) unconventional upbringing in 1970s Los Angeles., delving into his early experiences with music, his struggles with addiction, and his professional journey in the music world. Flea's frank and introspective writing style makes for a compelling and inspiring read.
  Cam_Torrens | Mar 17, 2023 |
Fun book, a bit ragged and unhinged but that seems right. It definitely wasn’t cleaned up by a ghostwriter. Follows Flea’s rough childhood and his years as a young musician/druggie in late 70s early 80s LA (where he went to JR and Sr high school. Stops just at the formation of RHCP, so we don’t get to hear about them taking over the world. ( )
  steve02476 | Jan 3, 2023 |
First I'm not a the fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers and till I picked up this book had't ever heard of him. This was recommended to me and an exceptional read, better even on audio. So I listened, I was quickly brought into a familiar world of growing up the 60's and 70's. These were wild, dangerous, crazy times and "Flea" tested all the offers of the times, and lived to tell the story. Emotionally distant parents, poverty, drugs, drugs, and more drugs, friendships made, lost, found and sadly death.
I walked along the same path as him through many of the 60's and 70's, Los Angeles was a wild place to grow up. As I listened to his heart opening story I learned somethings about myself as well as weeped with his pains. I loved this touching story not of a rock star but a boy, a man, in transition every moment with no known destination. ( )
  TheYodamom | May 21, 2022 |
Awful. ( )
  TheBigV | May 9, 2021 |
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Fleaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Smith, PattiPrefazioneautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Biography & Autobiography. Music. Nonfiction. HTML:The iconic bassist and co-founder of the Red Hot Chili Peppers tells his fascinating origin story, complete with all the dizzying highs and the gutter lows you'd want from an LA street rat turned world famous rock star.In Acid for the Children, Flea takes readers on a deeply personal and revealing tour of his formative years, spanning from Australia to the New York City suburbs to, finally, Los Angeles. Through hilarious anecdotes, poetical meditations, and occasional flights of fantasy, Flea deftly chronicles the experiences that forged him as an artist, a musician, and a young man. His dreamy, jazz-inflected prose makes the Los Angeles of the 1970s and 80s come to gritty, glorious life, including the potential for fun, danger, mayhem, or inspiration that lurked around every corner. It is here that young Flea, looking to escape a turbulent home, found family in a community of musicians, artists, and junkies who also lived on the fringe. He spent most of his time partying and committing petty crimes. But it was in music where he found a higher meaning, a place to channel his frustration, loneliness, and love. This left him open to the life-changing moment when he and his best friends, soul brothers, and partners-in-mischief came up with the idea to start their own band, which became the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Acid for the Children is the debut of a stunning new literary voice, whose prose is as witty, entertaining, and wildly unpredictable as the author himself. It's a tenderly evocative coming-of-age story and a raucous love letter to the power of music and creativity from one of the most renowned musicians of our time.

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