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The Coffin Dancer (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) di…
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The Coffin Dancer (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel) (originale 1998; edizione 1998)

di Jeffery Deaver (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,886475,110 (3.86)46

"Lincoln Rhyme is more relentless than ever" (People) and Jeffery Deaver delivers "supercharged tension" (USA TODAY) in this New York Times bestselling suspense masterwork.
NYPD criminalist Lincoln Rhyme joins his beautiful protégée Amelia Sachs, in the hunt for the Coffin Dancer—an ingenious killer who changes his appearance even faster than he adds to his trail of victims. They have only one clue: the madman has a tattoo of the Grim Reaper waltzing with a woman in front of a coffin. Rhyme must rely on his wits and intuition to track the elusive murderer through New York City—knowing they have only forty-eight hours before the Coffin Dancer strikes again.

This is a "heart-stopping" (Booklist) thriller from #1 international bestselling author Jeffery Deaver's "simply outstanding" (San Jose Mercury News) Lincoln Rhyme series!.
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Titolo:The Coffin Dancer (A Lincoln Rhyme Novel)
Autori:Jeffery Deaver (Autore)
Info:Simon & Schuster (1998), 368 pages
Collezioni:Adult Fiction
Etichette:adult fiction book

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Lo scheletro che balla di Jeffrey Deaver (1998)

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» Vedi le 46 citazioni

Phenomenal plot twists! Such a rich story. Incredible how his mind works! ( )
  jennievh | Sep 13, 2024 |
Against expectations - I only picked this up because I couldn't find anything else to read - I was hooked. The book features a quadraplegic detective, Rhyme, his able bodied - and able - assisant Amelia Sachs, a top-of-the-range killer who has an inner voice in the form of an army officer, and an exciting, time-limited plot: the action takes place within 45 hours. The villain is almost unbelievably talented, Rhyme almost unbelievable in his ability to second-guess the villain's moves. But I did suspend disbelief, and was thoroughly sucked in to the plot, rooting for all the characters, even from time to time, the villain. I have a reason for not using his name. Read it and you'll find out why. ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
A great read by one of my favorite authors. ( )
  Linyarai | Mar 6, 2024 |
The Bone Collector was this reader’s introduction to paralyzed Detective Lincoln Rhyme, and Amelia Sachs, who became his pupil in scene-of-the-crime gathering of evidence. While the first book was a very enjoyable thriller, the second entry in the series, might have been better.

Coffin Dancer is about a killer who has eluded Rhyme, a fact which haunts the detective. He became known as Coffin Dancer during the slayings because of a tattoo of the Grim Reaper dancing near a casket. In this entry, the hitman has returned after a long absence. Rhyme must once again use Amelia as his legs in this quickly paced and complex thriller. Rhyme’s personal connection with a woman involved in the case forces Amelia to confront her feelings for Rhyme, changing their personal landscape by the end of the narrative.

Through the streets of New York, from airports to subways, the narrative has Rhyme and Amelia moving swiftly through a complex maze, toward a surprise few readers will see coming. The familiar characters from the first entry are back, but not all of them will survive their last waltz with Coffin Dancer. I eventually ceased following the series, as I found later entries disappointing. But Coffin Dancer is an excellent read, full of atmosphere and character development as Rhyme and Amelia become closer. This is a fine book in the genre and worth reading. ( )
  Matt_Ransom | Oct 6, 2023 |
Many years ago, I read a lot of books in this series. Unfortunately, it was before Goodreads (for me), and I don't remember if i read this one. But thanks to Goodreads, I've discovered a lot of better books, so I think it's time to stop wondering and move on. Perhaps one day, I'll read more, after I get to the end of my tbr list. ha ha, hope I live to be 150.
  MartyFried | Oct 9, 2022 |
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"Lincoln Rhyme is more relentless than ever" (People) and Jeffery Deaver delivers "supercharged tension" (USA TODAY) in this New York Times bestselling suspense masterwork.
NYPD criminalist Lincoln Rhyme joins his beautiful protégée Amelia Sachs, in the hunt for the Coffin Dancer—an ingenious killer who changes his appearance even faster than he adds to his trail of victims. They have only one clue: the madman has a tattoo of the Grim Reaper waltzing with a woman in front of a coffin. Rhyme must rely on his wits and intuition to track the elusive murderer through New York City—knowing they have only forty-eight hours before the Coffin Dancer strikes again.

This is a "heart-stopping" (Booklist) thriller from #1 international bestselling author Jeffery Deaver's "simply outstanding" (San Jose Mercury News) Lincoln Rhyme series!.

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