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A Proper Cuppa Tea

di KG MacGregor

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11Nessuno1,769,577 (3)Nessuno
"A disastrous office affair has left Channing Hughes unemployed and (very bloody) cynical. What better time to leave Boston for her native England, where her late grandfather has named her sole heir of the Hughes fortune, along with the centuries-old manor house thats been in the family for generations. Only one problem with that plan?there is no Hughes fortune. The only way out from under the hefty tax bill is to sell the manor as quickly as possible or find a high-level job to support it. If anyone deserves to be cynical about life, its Dr. Lark Latimer. She overcame a dysfunctional upbringing in East Boston only to lose both her college sweetheart and a promising medical career when her Ma fell critically ill. Determined to bounce back, Lark signs on with a pharmaceutical company, a job that takes her abroad to investigate a drug trial gone sideways. She finds an English countryside that's bursting with charm?including the dry-witted, sophisticated Channing, who may be just what the doctor ordered. Neither woman imagined the spark they shared on their transatlantic flight would lead them to life-changing decisions. Will Channing give up a future with Lark to save her home? Or will Lark persuade her to sell the manor and return to Boston?" --… (altro)
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"A disastrous office affair has left Channing Hughes unemployed and (very bloody) cynical. What better time to leave Boston for her native England, where her late grandfather has named her sole heir of the Hughes fortune, along with the centuries-old manor house thats been in the family for generations. Only one problem with that plan?there is no Hughes fortune. The only way out from under the hefty tax bill is to sell the manor as quickly as possible or find a high-level job to support it. If anyone deserves to be cynical about life, its Dr. Lark Latimer. She overcame a dysfunctional upbringing in East Boston only to lose both her college sweetheart and a promising medical career when her Ma fell critically ill. Determined to bounce back, Lark signs on with a pharmaceutical company, a job that takes her abroad to investigate a drug trial gone sideways. She finds an English countryside that's bursting with charm?including the dry-witted, sophisticated Channing, who may be just what the doctor ordered. Neither woman imagined the spark they shared on their transatlantic flight would lead them to life-changing decisions. Will Channing give up a future with Lark to save her home? Or will Lark persuade her to sell the manor and return to Boston?" --

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