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43-35 10th Street

di daniel shea

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The book ambitiously explores the rapacious processes of recent real estate development which he observed daily from his Long Island City home. Combining observations of his neighborhood with impressions from the Modernist icon Brasilia and the arid Searles Valley he looks at architecture: its surfaces, its forms and its designs. In concrete he finds aesthetic pleasure and a connection to Modernism's aspirations and failures - both ripe for fetishization. He looks too at reflections, challenging the photographer's position documenting or fashioning the world around them. These planes are saturated with meanings; with time, connections start to be deciphered.-from Dashwood Books. "43-35 10th Street is a book about architecture and its relationship to ideological and socioeconomic shifts. The work began with a simple premise; for Shea to observe the residential real estate boom in his neighborhood of New York City, Long Island City. This type of development boom, happening in cities globally, is a distinctly late capitalist solution to the perception of housing needs. Images of Long Island City in New York are juxtaposed with the government buildings in the famed Brazilian city of Brasilia, built ex-nihilo 50 years ago. Images of a dying California industrial town suggest a cycle of dissolution, real estate value, and entropy."--Photo London website, accessed 1/8/2018.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daNardaVantVeer, staffoto, petervanbeveren
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The book ambitiously explores the rapacious processes of recent real estate development which he observed daily from his Long Island City home. Combining observations of his neighborhood with impressions from the Modernist icon Brasilia and the arid Searles Valley he looks at architecture: its surfaces, its forms and its designs. In concrete he finds aesthetic pleasure and a connection to Modernism's aspirations and failures - both ripe for fetishization. He looks too at reflections, challenging the photographer's position documenting or fashioning the world around them. These planes are saturated with meanings; with time, connections start to be deciphered.-from Dashwood Books. "43-35 10th Street is a book about architecture and its relationship to ideological and socioeconomic shifts. The work began with a simple premise; for Shea to observe the residential real estate boom in his neighborhood of New York City, Long Island City. This type of development boom, happening in cities globally, is a distinctly late capitalist solution to the perception of housing needs. Images of Long Island City in New York are juxtaposed with the government buildings in the famed Brazilian city of Brasilia, built ex-nihilo 50 years ago. Images of a dying California industrial town suggest a cycle of dissolution, real estate value, and entropy."--Photo London website, accessed 1/8/2018.

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