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DC 2016-2017: Cave Carson Has an…
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DC 2016-2017: Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye (edizione 2018)

di Jon Rivera (Autore)

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The Milk Wars are over, and all is right with the Multiverse-but the same can't be said for Cave Carson. The hero with the cybernetic (and slightly insane) eye has returned from the dairy front lines, but he and his daughter Chloe miss their old adventuring days. Luckily for the Carsons and their crew, adventure has a way of finding them. Before Cave knows it, a disappearing rock star and an unexpected black hole launch him and his cohorts on their most amazing journey yet-a voyage through the stars filled with Lazer Monks, (literal) skeleton crews and unidentified space goo! But who-or what-is behind this fantastic voyage? The answer may be stranger than even these experienced explorers can guess, but to find out they'll have to survive their uncanny expedition intact. Can Cave and his cybernetic eye uncover the answers that await|in time to record the next episode of his podcast? Prepare your heads for expansion as writer Jon Rivera and artist Michael Avon Oeming take you on a sci-fi saga like no other in Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye, collecting all six issues of the mind-blowing miniseries from DC's Young Animal imprint!… (altro)
Titolo:DC 2016-2017: Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye
Autori:Jon Rivera (Autore)
Info:DC Comics (2018), Edition: Illustrated, 168 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye di Jon Rivera

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The Milk Wars are over, and all is right with the Multiverse-but the same can't be said for Cave Carson. The hero with the cybernetic (and slightly insane) eye has returned from the dairy front lines, but he and his daughter Chloe miss their old adventuring days. Luckily for the Carsons and their crew, adventure has a way of finding them. Before Cave knows it, a disappearing rock star and an unexpected black hole launch him and his cohorts on their most amazing journey yet-a voyage through the stars filled with Lazer Monks, (literal) skeleton crews and unidentified space goo! But who-or what-is behind this fantastic voyage? The answer may be stranger than even these experienced explorers can guess, but to find out they'll have to survive their uncanny expedition intact. Can Cave and his cybernetic eye uncover the answers that await|in time to record the next episode of his podcast? Prepare your heads for expansion as writer Jon Rivera and artist Michael Avon Oeming take you on a sci-fi saga like no other in Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye, collecting all six issues of the mind-blowing miniseries from DC's Young Animal imprint!

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