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A Modern Fairytale

di Katy Regnery

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Katy Regnery's award-winning modern fairytales, THE VIXEN AND THE VET and NEVER LET YOU GO are now available in a two-book bundle. THE VIXEN AND THE VET (inspired by "Beauty & the Beast") 2015 Kindle Book Awards Winner 2015 RITA finalist When beautiful, ambitious reporter Savannah Carmichael approaches mysterious, wounded war hero Asher Lee for an interview, she never expects to fall for him, but she does. Savannah and Asher's love flourishes within the safe confines of his private mansion. But as a very different news story begins to take shape, Savannah will have to choose between her ambition and her heart. NEVER LET YOU GO (inspired by "Hansel & Gretel") In this modern retelling of Hansel and Gretel, foster children Holden and Griselda attempt to escape their abductor, but only one of them makes it to safety, while the other is returned back to hell. Ten years later, they meet again. Though the connection between them is fierce, regret, rage and a cache of physical and emotional scars lie between them. Can love make them whole again? The Vixen and the Vet AND Never Let You Go are standalone, unrelated, unconnected romance novels inspired by traditional fairytales. HEA. Due to profanity, realistically depicted scenes of war (The Vixen and the Vet), realistically depicted scenes of kidnapping and child abuse (Never Let You Go) and very strong sexual content in both novels, these books are not intended for readers under the age of 18.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daYak_Litsy
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Katy Regnery's award-winning modern fairytales, THE VIXEN AND THE VET and NEVER LET YOU GO are now available in a two-book bundle. THE VIXEN AND THE VET (inspired by "Beauty & the Beast") 2015 Kindle Book Awards Winner 2015 RITA finalist When beautiful, ambitious reporter Savannah Carmichael approaches mysterious, wounded war hero Asher Lee for an interview, she never expects to fall for him, but she does. Savannah and Asher's love flourishes within the safe confines of his private mansion. But as a very different news story begins to take shape, Savannah will have to choose between her ambition and her heart. NEVER LET YOU GO (inspired by "Hansel & Gretel") In this modern retelling of Hansel and Gretel, foster children Holden and Griselda attempt to escape their abductor, but only one of them makes it to safety, while the other is returned back to hell. Ten years later, they meet again. Though the connection between them is fierce, regret, rage and a cache of physical and emotional scars lie between them. Can love make them whole again? The Vixen and the Vet AND Never Let You Go are standalone, unrelated, unconnected romance novels inspired by traditional fairytales. HEA. Due to profanity, realistically depicted scenes of war (The Vixen and the Vet), realistically depicted scenes of kidnapping and child abuse (Never Let You Go) and very strong sexual content in both novels, these books are not intended for readers under the age of 18.

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